東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III / GSII


August 8, 2024

【情報学環教育部】シンポジウム:森達也と考える「聴く力」〜無関係な私たち〜Symposium: "The Power of Listening with Tatsuya Mori








情報学環教育部 公式ページ:https://www.iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp/education/courses/undergrad

河原理子氏(登壇者)が担当された情報学環教育部の授業紹介: https://www.iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp/research/240316kyoikubu



On Saturday, May 18, 2024, a symposium titled “The Power of Listening with Tatsuya Mori” was held at Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo. The symposium was held in conjunction with the 97th May Festival of the University of Tokyo, and was organized by volunteer students from the Undergraduate Research Student Program of the III.

In his opening remarks, the student moderator pointed out that we tend to stereotypically perceive victims and perpetrators in the news reports of incidents and accidents we encounter in our daily lives, as well as in international conflicts such as Gaza and Ukraine. However,

The symposium was organized around the three themes of “listening to the victim,” “listening to the perpetrator,” and “facing the parties involved,” with each speaker speaking on a different topic.

Michiko Kawahara (specially-appointed professor, III), who  was until last year on the faculty of the III, delved deeply into the topic of “listening to victims,” using as a starting point her experience of reporting on sexual assault at a time when the term “sexual assault” itself was not commonplace.  Next, Tatsuya Mori spoke about the importance of “listening to the harm” by asking students questions and sharing his own experiences in documentary production. Finally, Rui Otsuka (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Education) discussed how to relate to others from a perspective of engagement in the events.

During the panel discussion that followed the  talks, the speakers carefully replied to  questions raised by the audience in response to the content of the speeches, allowing for interactive communication with the audience.

After the symposium, many comments were received from the more than approximately 100 participants, such as “I felt a strong significance in the act of ‘listening’ to resolve the victim/offender dichotomy,” and “It broadened my perspective and thoughts.

III Undergraduate Research Student Program official web: https://www.iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp/education/courses/undergrad

Article introducing classes taught by Riko Kawahara until last year: https://www.iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp/research/240316kyoikubu


Text: Koichi Jayawicrama (III Undergraduate Research Student)
English proofreading: David Buist (Project Senior Specialist)