東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


March 15, 2024

【情報学環教育部】授業紹介「メディア・ジャーナリズム論講義II」Undergraduate Student Research Program class “Lectures in Media and Journalism II”






The undergraduate research student program is a unique educational organization within the III that primarily provides undergraduate level education for people who want to study information, media, communication, and journalism. Many of the classes taught in this program include learning through practical activities. One of them is “Lectures in Media and Journalism II” instructed by Prof. Michiko Kawahara.

Having worked as a reporter for the Asahi Shimbun until 2020, Prof. Kawahara has covered victims of crimes and accidents, and co-authored a book with Shizue Takahashi, a family member of a victim of the 1996 Tokyo subway sarin attack. In this class, the professor explained not only the event itself but also the relationship between the interviewer and the interviewee and how to write an article. Prof. Kawahara shared with us many things that she knows from her experience, such as the rights of victims and the difficulties of reporting, from which we gained many new insights.

In mid-December 2023, Shizue Takahashi visited the class on Hongo Campus, providing us with an opportunity to actually practice the techniques of interviewing and article writing taught by the professor. In preparation for the interview, each student conducted preliminary research on the Tokyo subway sarin attack and Ms. Takahashi, the results of which were shared among the students. On the day of the interview, after listening to Ms. Takahashi’s own account of her experiences, the students asked her some questions. Based on the interview, each student wrote an article of about 2000 characters over a period of about three weeks. In writing the article, we experienced the difficulty of choosing information within a limited number of words.

Once the articles were written, all the students read their articles in class and gave their comments and opinions to each other in addition to receiving feedback from the professor. The articles were also shared with Ms. Takahashi, who gave her feedback on each article. It was a valuable experience to receive feedback from both Prof. Kawahara and Ms. Takahashi.

Text: Masafumi Ishizaki (Undergraduate Research Student)
English proofreading: David Buist (Project Senior Specialist)