東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII

ニュース News

December 23, 2024

伊藤勇太特任准教授(暦本研究室)が第21回(令和6(2024)年度)日本学術振興会賞を受賞Project Assoc. Prof. Yuta Itoh (Rekimoto Lab) has received the 21st (FY2024) JSPS Prize


“日本学術振興会賞は、創造性に富み優れた研究能力を有する若手研究者を見い出し、早い段階から顕彰することで、その研究意欲を高め、研究の発展を支援することにより、我が国の学術研究の水準を世界のトップレベルにおいて発展させることを目的としています。” (公式ページより)



On December 19, 2024, Associate Professor Yuta Itoh of the Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies (III) in Rekimoto Laboratory received the 21st (FY2024) JSPS Prize.

What is the JSPS Prize?
“In order to raise the level of scientific research in Japan to the world’s highest standard, it is important to recognize and support young researchers with rich creativity and superlative research ability at an early stage in their careers. To sustain the zeal of such researchers while offering them support in advancing their work, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science established the JSPS Prize in FY2004.” (from the official page)

The JSPS Prizes