東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII

ニュース News

December 16, 2024

山口温大さん (先端表現情報学コース 渡邉英徳研究室 修士2年)らのチームが、The First Asian Cartographic Conference (AsiaCarto2024)でBest Student Paper Presentation Awardを受賞しましたMr. Atsuhiro Yamaguchi (2nd-year master’s student, Emerging design and informatics course, Hidenori Watanave Laboratory) and his team won the Best Student Paper Presentation Award at The First Asian Cartographic Conference (AsiaCarto2024)

山口温大さん(先端表現情報学コース 渡邉英徳研究室 修士2年)らのチームが、2024年12月8日〜10日に香港で開催されたThe First Asian Cartographic Conference (AsiaCarto2024)でBest Student Paper Presentation Awardを受賞しました。

“kaleidomap: An Artistic Collage Map Highlighting the Diversity of Map Expressions”

山口温大(学際情報学府), 天野克敏(学際情報学府), 濱津すみれ(学際情報学府), 飯田ジュリエット柚実(学際情報学府), 渡邉英徳(渡邉英徳)





Mr. Atsuhiro Yamaguchi (2nd-year master’s student, Emerging design and informatics course, Hidenori Watanave Laboratory) and his team won the Best Student Paper Presentation Award at The First Asian Cartographic Conference (AsiaCarto2024) held in Hong Kong, December 8-10, 2024.

[Title of the presentation]
“kaleidomap: An Artistic Collage Map Highlighting the Diversity of Map Expressions”

Atsuhiro Yamaguchi (GSII), Katsutoshi Amano (GSII), Sumire Hamatsu (GSII), Yumi Iida Juliet (GSII), Hidenori Watanave (III)

[Outline of Research]
Maps are the cartographer’s discards and creative expressions of geographical reality, and these expressions vary. kaleidimap is a collage of multiple maps depicting the same land, projected onto a model of the terrain. An analysis of the exhibition and viewing showed that looking at the collaged maps can prompt unique discoveries.