December 16, 2024
蜂須賀 知理 講師(総合分析情報学コース)らが、IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (IEEE TALE 2024) にてBest Paper Award を受賞Dr. Hachisuka et al. won the Best Paper Award at IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (IEEE TALE 2024)
2024年12月9日~12日にインド(ベンガルール)にて開催されたIEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (IEEE TALE 2024)において、蜂須賀 知理 講師(総合分析情報学コース)らがBest Paper Award を受賞しました。
On the Possibility of Emotion Recognition Using Facial Expressions and Utterance Voices for Measuring Online Students’ Emotional Engagement
蜂須賀 知理(情報学環),中澤 明子(教養学部 附属教養教育高度化機構),井坪 葉奈子(情報学環),岩澤 直美(学際情報学府),藤本 徹(情報学環),山内 祐平(情報学環)
Dr. Hachisuka et al. won the Best Paper Award at IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (IEEE TALE 2024) held in Bengaluru, India from December 9 to 12, 2024.
On the Possibility of Emotion Recognition Using Facial Expressions and Utterance Voices for Measuring Online Students’ Emotional Engagement
Satori Hachisuka, Akiko Nakazawa, Hanako Itsubo, Naomi Iwazawa, Toru Fujimoto, Yuhei Yamauchi
This study investigated through experiments whether indicators related to online students’ emotional engagement were measured from facial images and voice obtained using a web camera and microphone during group work.