December 12, 2024
時田聡実 さん (総合分析情報学コース 石黒研究室 修士2年)が、SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Educator’s ForumにてHonorable Mention Awardを受賞しましたMs. Satomi Tokida, a 2nd-year Master’s student at the Ishiguro Laboratory, received the Honorable Mention Award at the SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Educator’s Forum.
2024年12月3日〜12月6日に東京にて開催されたSIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Educator’s Forumにおいて、時田聡実 さん (総合分析情報学コース 石黒研究室 修士2年)がHonorable Mention Awardを受賞しました。
- タイトル
MotionTales: Enhancing Creative Physical Expression in Elementary Education - 著者
時田聡実(学際情報学府)・伊藤 勇太(情報学環)・茅野 政徳(山梨大学大学院総合研究部教育学域)・石黒 祥生(情報学環) - 研究の概要
Ms. Satomi Tokida, a 2nd-year Master’s student at the Ishiguro Laboratory, received the Honorable Mention Award at the SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Educator’s Forum, held in Tokyo from December 3 to December 6, 2024.
- Title
MotionTales: Enhancing Creative Physical Expression in Elementary Education
- Authors
Satomi Tokida, Yuta Itoh, Masanori Kayano, and Yoshio Ishiguro
- Summary
In physical education classes in Japanese elementary schools, “expressive movement activities” encourage children to engage in free physical expression, contributing to the development of creativity and communication skills. However, these activities pose challenges, as they require specialized knowledge and skills for instruction, making it difficult to elicit diverse expressions from children. The proposed method aims to draw out improvisational physical expressions from children by providing interactive visual feedback linked to their full-body movements.