December 10, 2024
犬田悠斗さん(文化・人間情報学コース修士2年・藤本徹研究室)らのチームが「第9、10回シリアスゲームジャム」で「The Best Game Award(優秀賞)」と「The Serious Game Grand Prize(最優秀賞)」を受賞しましたYuto Inuda (2nd-year master’s student, Cultural and Human Information Studies Course, Toru Fujimoto Lab.) and his team received “The Best Game Award (Excellence Award)” and “The Serious Game Grand Prize (Grand Prize)” at the 9th and 10th Serious Game Jam events
犬田悠斗さんが2024年3月5日から3月7日に日本大学理工学部駿河台キャンパスで開催された第9回シリアスゲームジャムに参加し、「備えたくなる防災ゲーム」というテーマを基に、チームで『さけべ!!!』という音声認識を用いたデジタルゲームを開発し、「The Best Game Award(優秀賞)」を受賞しました。
また、2024年8月27日から8月29日に同会場で開催された第10回シリアスゲームジャムにも参加し、「ゲームで再定義する新しい防災訓練のカタチ」というテーマを基に、チームで『わんにゃん避難訓練』というペットとの避難所生活を体験できるシミュレーションゲームのプロトタイプを開発し、「The Serious Game Grand Prize(最優秀賞)」を受賞しました。
また、2024年12月6日(金)18:00-19:00にTOKYO MXで放送されたニュース番組「堀潤 Live Junction」で、『さけべ!!!』が紹介されました。犬田さんは、開発したきっかけなどについてインタビューを受けました。
Yuto Inuda participated in the 9th Serious Game Jam held from March 5 to March 7, 2024, at the Surugadai Campus of Nihon University’s College of Science and Technology. Based on the theme “Disaster Preparedness Games That Make You Want to Be Ready,” his team developed a digital game titled “Shout Out!!!“, which utilizes voice recognition. This innovative project earned them “The Best Game Award (Excellence Award).”
In addition, Inuda also participated in the 10th Serious Game Jam held at the same venue from August 27 to August 29, 2024. His team developed a prototype of a simulation game titled “Wan-Nyan Evacuation Drill”, which allows players to experience living in evacuation shelters with pets. This game was based on the theme “Redefining New Forms of Disaster Training Through Games” and won “The Serious Game Grand Prize (Grand Prize).”
The Serious Game Jam is an event aimed at addressing various societal issues through the power of games. It brings together experts, game developers, and students to collaboratively create serious games within a short timeframe.
As the team leader, Inuda was responsible for planning and managing the project.
Additionally, on Friday, December 6, 2024, from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM, the news program “Hori Jun Live Junction” aired on TOKYO MX featured “Shout Out!!!“. Inuda was interviewed about the inspiration and reasons behind its development.