東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III / GSII

ニュース News

March 27, 2024

森村 太一さん(先端表現情報学コース修士課程1年・苗村研究室)らの研究がインタラクション2024でインタラクティブ発表賞(一般投票)を受賞しましたResearch led by Mr. Taichi Morimura (first year Master's student in the Emerging Design and Informatics Course, Naemura Laboratory) received the Interactive Presentation Award (General Vote) at Interaction 2024


【氏名 (所属)】
森村 太一(学際情報学府M1)、韓 燦敎(情報学環 助教)、 苗村 健(情報学環 教授)



森村 太一, 韓 燦教, 苗村 健: “corobos plus: 卓上・壁面・天井の間を移行する群ロボット”, インタラクション2024, 1A11 (2024.3).

我々は以前、卓上と壁面の間を移行する corobos を開発し、群ロボットの移行可能な範囲を広げることに成功した。ここでは、corobos をさらに改良することで卓上・壁面・天井の間の移行を実現した”corobos plus”を提案する。パラメータの異なるアタッチメントの設計を行い、パラメータごとの移行率の評価を通して、安定した移行が可能なアタッチメントの形状を提案した。また、人が任意の面に配置した corobos plus が卓上・壁面・天井を移行するデモを作製した。

【森村 太一さんのコメント】
今後は、corobos plusを活用した様々なアプリケーションの開発に取り組む予定です。皆様のご指導と支援を賜りながら、引き続き研究に精進してまいります。


〈Award Date〉
March 6, 2024

〈Name (Affiliation)〉
Taichi Morimura (GSII, M1), Changyo Han (Assistant Professor, III), Takeshi Naemura (Professor, III)

〈Name and Brief Description of the Award Received〉
Interactive Presentation Award (General Vote)

An award given to the top four presentations of the day based on participant votes at the Interaction 2024 symposium, organized by the Information Processing Society.

〈About the Awarded Research/Activity〉
We previously developed “corobos” that can transition between tabletops and walls, successfully expanding the range of transition for swarm robots. Here, we propose “corobos plus,” an improvement on corobos that enables transitions between tabletops, walls, and ceilings. We designed attachments with different parameters and proposed shapes of attachments that allow for stable transitions based on the evaluation of transition rates for each parameter. Furthermore, we created a demo in which corobos plus placed by a person on any surface transitions between tabletops, walls, and ceilings.

〈Comment from Mr. Taichi Morimura〉
I am extremely honored to receive this wonderful award. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to the teachers and lab members who have supported this research.
The research theme I am working on is relatively new, initiated by a senior, and I am still in the early stages of my research. At the conference, it was very encouraging to have many people experience this research and receive positive feedback. Additionally, through constructive discussions, I was able to gain new perspectives, which was a great stimulus.
Going forward, I plan to work on developing various applications using corobos plus. With your guidance and support, I will continue to dedicate myself to research.