January 19, 2024
中條麟太郎さん(先端表現情報学コース修士課程1年、苗村研究室)・ハウタサーリアリ特任准教授が、「HCGシンポジウム2023」で最優秀インタラクティブ発表賞を受賞しましたRintaro Chujo (Emerging Design and Informatics Course, Master’s Student, Naemura Laboratory) and Project Associate Professor Ari Hautasaari Receive the Best Interactive Presentation Award at “HCG Symposium 2023”
受賞した研究は、情報学環が参画するインクルーシブ工学連携研究機構(RIISE)で実施されている、メルカリと東京大学の包括連携プロジェクト「価値交換工学」の一環として行われたもので、藤原未雪さん(mercari R4Dリサーチャー)と共に、3人での受賞となりました。
● 受賞名
電子情報通信学会HCGシンポジウム2023 最優秀インタラクティブ発表賞
● 受賞者
藤原 未雪(mercari R4D)、中條 麟太郎(東京大学大学院学際情報学府)、Ari Hautasaari(東京大学大学院情報学環)
● 発表タイトル
● 研究の概要
受賞者一覧はこちら: https://www.hcg-ieice.org/hcg-symposium/2023/award/
研究の詳細はこちら: https://hcg2023.emocomm.net/
Rintaro Chujo (Emerging Design and Informatics Course, Master’s Student, Naemura Laboratory) and Project Associate Professor Ari Hautasaari received the Best Interactive Presentation Award at the “HCG Symposium 2023” held from December 11 to 13, 2023. The awarded research was part of the joint research project “Value Exchange Engineering” between Mercari and the Research Institute for Inclusive Society through Engineering (RIISE). The award was jointly received by three people, including Miyuki Fujiwara (researcher at mercari R4D).
● Award Name
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) HCG Symposium 2023 Best Interactive Presentation Award
Miyuki Fujiwara (mercari R4D), Rintaro Chujo (GSII), Ari Hautasaari (III)
● Title
Exploring the Effects of Displaying Preferred Communication Styles during Price Negotiations on Flea Market Apps
● Abstract
In this study, we first introduce badges to be displayed in the comment section of flea market apps that indicate the communication style one desires from the other party. We then investigate the impact of the communication style badges on customer-to-customer communication, especially during text-based price negotiations. Results from two experiments suggest that these badges could potentially influence the linguistic forms and strategies flea market app users employ in their communication with other users, as well as their perceived workload during the communication process.
For the list of awardees, visit: https://www.hcg-ieice.org/hcg-symposium/2023/award/
For more details about the research, visit: https://hcg2023.emocomm.net/