November 12, 2023
大井将生さん(文化・人間情報学コース 博士課程2年、渡邉英徳研究室)が、第5回デジタルアーカイブ学会賞(学術賞)を受賞しましたMasao Oi (Cultural and Human Information Studies Course, Doctoral Student, Hidenori Watanave Laboratory) wins the 5th Japan Society for Digital Archive Award (Academic Award)
(English follows Japanese)
大井将生さん(文化・人間情報学コース 博士課程2年、渡邉英徳研究室)が、第5回デジタルアーカイブ学会賞(学術賞)を受賞しました。2023年11⽉11⽇(土)に石川県立図書館・石川県立音楽堂交流ホールにて開催された「デジタルアーカイブ学会 第8回研究大会」の授賞式にて、賞を授与されました。
● 大井将生、宮田諭志、大野健人、大向一輝、渡邉英徳「デジタルアーカイブを活用したキュレーション学習モデル:探究学習における「問い」と「資料」の接続」(デジタルアーカイブ学会誌7巻1号p.e1-e9)
Masao Oi (Cultural and Human Information Studies Course, Doctoral Student, Hidenori Watanave Laboratory) was awarded the 5th Japan Society for Digital Archive Award (Academic Award). He received the prize at the awards ceremony of the 8th Annual Conference of the Japan Society for Digital Archive held on November 11, 2023 at Ishikawa Prefectural Library and Ishikawa Prefectural Concert Hall.
The awarded paper:
Award comments and future plans by Mr. Oi:
I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the honor of receiving this prestigious award.
I greatly appreciate the support and cooperation of many people, including Dr. Hidenori Watanave, the people at the schools where the research was conducted, and the people at the institutions where the resources were made available, who made this research possible.
The award-winning paper describes the development of a learning design and collaborative curation function to support the connection between learners’ “questions” and a variety of resources in inquiry-based learning, and its implementation in the classroom.
In the future, I will continue my research and cultivation, aiming to construct a network of “people” and “data” to connect the digital archive, which serves as a foundation for such learning, with various educational information and to provide enhanced information support. Thank you for your continued support.