東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII

ニュース News

November 15, 2022

升井友貴さん(文化・人間情報学コース修士2年・藤本徹研究室)らのチームが「超起業学校スタートアッププログラム」最終ピッチイベントで最優秀賞である超教育賞を受賞しましたTomotaka Masui (2nd-year master's student, Cultural and Human Information Studies Course, Toru Fujimoto Lab.) and his team won the Learning of Tomorrow Award, the top prize, at the final pitch event of the "Inter-academic Entrepreneur School Startup Program"


<ビジネスアイデア> 自己研鑽×ギャンブルという新発想の目標達成アプリ「がんばろっと」




The final pitch event was held on October 1 (Sat) to present the results of the “Inter-academic Entrepreneur School Startup Program (IESSP)” which targets students from across Japan who are interested in entrepreneurship. At the event, Tomotaka Masui (2nd-year master’s student, Cultural and Human Information Studies Course, Toru Fujimoto Lab.) and his team won the top prize, the Learning of Tomorrow Award.

<Business Idea> “Gambarotto”, a goal-achievement app based on a new concept combining self-improvement with gambling

The goal-achieving app “Gambarotto” is a service that makes it easier to win the lottery the more effort you put in. Adult self-improvement such as dieting or acquiring qualifications is difficult to maintain motivation. One-on-one instruction is expensive, and free applications are less compelling and do not last long. Gambarotto” combines self-improvement with gambling, allowing users to motivate themselves with a small investment. A goal and fine amount are set at the beginning, and if the goal is met, a prize is won in a raffle, and if the goal is missed, the fine is deducted from the credit card. The system automatically sets not only the final goal but also daily tasks as sub-goals. For example, if you set a goal such as “get 800 points on TOEIC test,” daily missions such as word tests and mock tests are proposed. If you achieve the goal, you will receive a raffle prize, and if you fail, you will be fined a small amount. The system is designed to make it easy to maintain motivation. In the start-up phase, we plan to increase the number of downloads by utilizing SNS, and then in the expansion phase, we plan to expand content such as group functions and lesson videos.

Press Release from “Learning of Tomorrow