東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III / GSII

ニュース News

August 25, 2022

大井将生さん(文化・人間情報学コース博士1年・渡邉英徳研究室)が「デジタルアーカイブジャパン・アワード(DAJアワード)2022」を受賞しましたMasao Oi (1st-year doctoral student, Cultural and Human Information Studies course, Hidenori Watanave Laboratory) receives the Digital Archive Japan Award (DAJ Award) 2022



Masao Oi (1st-year doctoral student in the Cultural and Human Information Studies course, Hidenori Watanave Laboratory) has won the Digital Archive Japan Award (DAJ Award) 2022.

He is actively promoting research lessons using the curation function of Japan Search, and is showing how hybrid learning utilizing digital archives in primary and secondary education should be. He is also involved in a number of practical initiatives aimed at social implementation, not only with teachers but also with various actors such as museums, art galleries, archives, and libraries. Oi’s activities in the educational use and practice of digital archives were highly evaluated by the jury.