東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III / GSII

ニュース News

April 26, 2022

菊池知世さん(先端表現情報学コース修士2年・苗村研究室,受賞当時)らがIEEE VR 2022 (The IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces)においてBest Poster AwardにノミネートされましたTomoyo Kikuchi (2nd-year master student in the Emerging Design and Informatics Course, Naemura Laboratory, at the time of the award) and colleagues nominated the Best Poster Award at IEEE VR 2022

(English follows Japanese)



氏名 (所属) : 菊池知世 (学際情報学府 M2)、矢作優知 (学際情報学府 M2)、福嶋政期 (情報学環)、阪口紗季 (東京都立大学)、苗村健 (情報学環)   



The nomination for the ‘Best Poster Award’ 


IEEE VR 2022 (The IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces) はバーチャルリアリティと3Dユーザインタフェース分野のトップカンファレンスであり、2022年3月12日から16日にオンラインにて開催されました。



Tomoyo Kikuchi, Yuchi Yahagi, Shogo Fukushima, Saki Sakaguchi, and Takeshi Naemura: “AIR-range: Arranging optical systems to present mid-AIR images with continuous luminance on and above a tabletop”, IEEE VR 2022, Poster, A-C43 (2022.3). 




〈Details of the announcement〉

Date: March 16th, 2022

Name (Affiliation): Tomoyo Kikuchi (GSII M2)、Yuchi Yahagi (GSII M2)、Shogo Fukushima (III)、Saki Sakaguchi (Tokyo Metropolitan University)、Takeshi Naemura (III)

(*Affiliations are at the time of the award)

Name of the award-nominated and its short description:

The nomination for the ‘Best Poster Award’ 

IEEE VR 2022 Awards

IEEE VR 2022 (The IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces) is the premier international event for the presentation of research results in the broad areas of virtual, augmented, and mixed reality (VR/AR/XR) and was held online from March 12-16, 2022.

181 posters were accepted and, of which 11 were nominated for the ‘Best Poster Award’.

About the research (activity):

Tomoyo Kikuchi, Yuchi Yahagi, Shogo Fukushima, Saki Sakaguchi, and Takeshi Naemura: “AIR-range: Arranging optical systems to present mid-AIR images with continuous luminance on and above a tabletop”, IEEE VR 2022, Poster, A-C43 (2022.3). 

Link to the research introduction video: https://youtu.be/OOtvkFNTKT0

Comment: We would like to thank everyone who supported us. We lost the opportunity to present our poster in New Zealand. We would like to thank this year’s organizers for giving us a chance for poster presentation online, thus we were able to present.