東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III / GSII


September 25, 2020

【教員インタビュー】林 香里 教授(前編)Interview with Professor HAYASHI, Kaori (Part1)

ー 女性やマイノリティの視点をメディアに、そして東京大学に ー
林 香里 教授(前編)


Battling an Invisible “Enemy”: Media and the University from the Perspective of Women and Minorities
Prof. Kaori Hayashi

Kaori Hayashi has been a core faculty member of the Interfaculty Initiative since 2004. We spoke with her about her research on media and minorities, focusing especially on her stance towards the topic of “gender” (The interviewed was conducted online).

In Part 1 of the interview, Professor Hayashi spoke mostly about her current research interests.
Professor Hayashi’s field of specialization is media and journalism studies. Recently, she has been particularly concerned with the comparative study of media systems and cultures with a view to determining how the contents of media and the way it is consumed varies internationally. In addition to this, she continues her long-standing interest in Japanese journalism, focusing especially on how its development has been influenced by the domination of men in the profession. This has led her to consider how the growing entry of women into journalism may introduce valuable new perspectives, moving away from instant reporting and sensationalism towards an approach based on an “ethics of care”.

Professor Hayashi has collaborated with research teams in Israel, Argentina, the United States, Finland and Japan to conduct surveys on how people in these five countries use media, including where they obtain news, the type of news that interests them, with whom they communicate and the type of entertainment they enjoy. She is particularly concerned with how recent changes in the way people consume news is altering the perception of journalism and the relation between politics and journalism in different countries.

Through her involvement with MeDi – a collaborative research group aimed at radically rethinking media expression and diversity – Professor Hayashi has sought to promote the participation of women and minorities in journalism and politics, thus creating a more inclusive public sphere responsive to the needs of all sections of society. The public events held by MeDi are aimed at a wide audience including professionals and general citizens in addition to researchers. Through the involvement of several individuals with strong social media presences, MeDi has widened its audience beyond the usual scope of those interested in “women’s issues”, thus avoiding the tendency to “preach only to the converted”.


— ご研究について教えてください。




— 現在、取り組まれている国際比較研究はどのようなものですか?

イスラエル、アルゼンチン、アメリカ、フィンランド、日本の5カ国の研究者で連携して、メディア利用に関するインタビュー調査を進めています。各国100人くらいの人にニュースや情報をどこで読んで、だれと話をしているのか、どんなニュースに興味があるのか、娯楽は何かなどを聞いてきました。とくに最近、ニュースはだいたいプッシュ機能で画面に出てきて、ちらっと見るじゃない?それを「ニュースをチェックする」って言いますよね。だから、ニュースはもうあまり「読む」ものではなくなってきています。そういう「ついで見をするニュース(incidental news)」が主流になっていくと、人々の「ジャーナリズム」という営為へのイメージも変化しているのではないか、さらに政治とジャーナリズムの関係も変化しているのではないか、などの問いを各国の状況を比較しながら研究しています。

— MeDi(共同研究グループ「メディア表現とダイバーシティを抜本的に検討する会」)の研究活動も活発ですね。





主担当教員Associated Faculty Members


林 香里
  • 社会情報学コース
  • アジア情報社会コース


  • Socio-information and communication studies course
  • ITASIA program