東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII

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III Fukutake Hall is a place where learning takes place through dialogue and visions for new research take shape. Its construction was made possible by a grant from Soichiro Fukutake and it was designed by the architect Tadao Ando. It opened for use in March 2008.

H3 見出しH3 Heading

H4 見出しH4 Heading


H5 見出し


H6 見出し


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III Fukutake Hall is a place where learning takes place through dialogue and visions for new research take shape. Its construction was made possible by a grant from Soichiro Fukutake and it was designed by the architect Tadao Ando. It opened for use in March 2008.

H5 Heading

III Fukutake Hall is a place where learning takes place through dialogue and visions for new research take shape. Its construction was made possible by a grant from Soichiro Fukutake and it was designed by the architect Tadao Ando. It opened for use in March 2008.

H6 Heading

III Fukutake Hall is a place where learning takes place through dialogue and visions for new research take shape. Its construction was made possible by a grant from Soichiro Fukutake and it was designed by the architect Tadao Ando. It opened for use in March 2008.



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class=”note”「※」付きテキスト テキストテキストテキストテキストテキストテキストテキストテキストテキスト

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class=”red” / class=”attention” 文字を赤くしたり、<b>と組み合わせて太字で強調

class=”box red” / class=”box attention”

III Fukutake Hall is a place where learning takes place through dialogue and visions for new research take shape. Its construction was made possible by a grant from Soichiro Fukutake and it was designed by the architect Tadao Ando. It opened for use in March 2008.

III Fukutake Hall is a place where learning takes place through dialogue and visions for new research take shape. Its construction was made possible by a grant from Soichiro Fukutake and it was designed by the architect Tadao Ando. It opened for use in March 2008.

III Fukutake Hall is a place where learning takes place through dialogue and visions for new research take shape.

III Fukutake Hall is a place where learning takes place through dialogue and visions for new research take shape. Its construction was made possible by a grant from Soichiro Fukutake and it was designed by the architect Tadao Ando. It opened for use in March 2008.

III Fukutake Hall is a place where learning takes place through dialogue and visions for new research take shape.

III Fukutake Hall is a place where learning takes place through dialogue and visions for new research take shape. Its construction was made possible by a grant from Soichiro Fukutake and it was designed by the architect Tadao Ando. It opened for use in March 2008.


見出し 情報学環・福武ホールは、社会との対話から学び
見出し 情報学環・福武ホールは、社会との対話から学び、新しい研究を創造していくための場です。福武總一郎氏による寄付に基づき、安藤忠雄氏の設計によって建築され、2008年3月に竣工しました。
見出し 見出し 見出し
情報学環・福武ホールは、社会との対話から学び、新しい研究を創造していくための場です。 情報学環・福武ホールは、社会との対話から学び、新しい研究を創造していくための場です。 情報学環・福武ホールは、社会との対話から学び、新しい研究を創造していくための場です。
Heading III Fukutake Hall is a place where learning
Heading III Fukutake Hall is a place where learning takes place through dialogue and visions for new research take shape. Its construction was made possible by a grant from Soichiro Fukutake and it was designed by the architect Tadao Ando. It opened for use in March 2008.
Heading Heading Heading
Fukutake Hall is a place where learning takes place through dialogue and visions for new research take shape. Fukutake Hall is a place where learning takes place through dialogue and visions for new research take shape. Fukutake Hall is a place where learning takes place through dialogue and visions for new research take shape.


  • 情報学環・福武ホールは、社会との対話から学び
  • 情報学環・福武ホールは、社会との対話から学び、新しい研究を創造していくための場です。福武總一郎氏による寄付に基づき、安藤忠雄氏の設計によって建築され、2008年3月に竣工しました。
  • ul か li に class=”note” をつけると「※」付きのリストになります
  • 情報学環・福武ホールは、社会との対話から学び
  • 情報学環・福武ホールは、社会との対話から学び、新しい研究を創造していくための場です。福武總一郎氏による寄付に基づき、安藤忠雄氏の設計によって建築され、2008年3月に竣工しました。
  • III Fukutake Hall is a place where learning
  • III Fukutake Hall is a place where learning III Fukutake Hall is a place where learning takes place through dialogue and visions for new research take shape.
  • III Fukutake Hall is a place where learning
  • III Fukutake Hall is a place where learning III Fukutake Hall is a place where learning takes place through dialogue and visions for new research take shape.



Center for Contemporary Korean Studies


On the other side of the 100m “Thinking Wall” lies a veritable crossroads between learning and creativity. This is what defines Fukutake Hall.