東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III / GSII


August 3, 2023

東京大学制作展2023 Extra 「VOIDAGE」iii Exhibition 2023 Extra “VOIDAGE” Event report

2023年7月7日(金)–10日(月) の4日間にわたり、東京大学制作展2023Extra「VOIDAGE」を情報学環オープンスタジオにて開催しました。制作展は、コンセプトから運営まで学生中心で行うメディアアートの祭典です。メンバーは多様なバックグラウンドを持つ学生によって構成されており、学際情報学府を中心に、情報学環教育部や東京芸術大学からも参加しています。毎年11月に本番(Main)は開催され、今回のExtraはそのプレ展示という位置付けの展覧会です。



・公式HP: https://www.iiiexhibition.com/
・X(Twitter): https://twitter.com/iiiexhibition
・Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iiiexhibition/
・Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iiiexhibition/

記事:ジャヤビクラマ幸一 (情報学環教育部研究生、東京大学制作展広報担当)

An exhibition titled “The University of Tokyo iiiExhibition 2023 Extra ‘VOIDAGE’” was held from July 7 (Fri.) to 10 (Mon.), 2023, at the Open Studio. iiiExhibition is a media art festival that is student-centered from concept to management. Team members were mainly composed of GSII graduate students, and III undergraduate research students. The event held in July is a pre-exhibition for the main exhibition held every year in November.

In the year 2023, the explosive spread and development of generative AI and other technologies is stimulating our imagination about the future, while at the same time bringing various problems to light. Therefore, we chose the concept of “VOIDAGE” for the Extra exhibition, combining the words “void” and “voyage”. It is our hope that visitors to the exhibition will be able to “voyage” as members of a crew, with the “amorphous” nautical chart of an exhibition of students’ works in their hands. And in fact, “VOIDAGE” is also an English word that means the proportion of empty space in a volume of some material.

Despite this being only a pre-exhibition, many visitors came for the voyage during the four days of the exhibition. We received many gratifying comments from visitors. Based on the feedback we received, we will make every effort to present even better works at the upcoming iiiExhibition 2023 Main in November. To conclude, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to all those who helped to make this exhibition possible and all the visitors.

The details of each work exhibited and future information can be found on the following websites:

Official website: https://www.iiiexhibition.com/
X(Twitter): https://twitter.com/iiiexhibition
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iiiexhibition/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iiiexhibition/

Text: Koichi Jayawicrama (III Undergraduate Research Student, iii exhibition PR Staff)
English proofreading: David Buist (Project Senior Specialist)

主担当教員Associated Faculty Members


苗村 健
  • 先端表現情報学コース
  • 情報学環教育部


NAEMURA, Takeshi
  • Emerging design and informatics course
  • Undergraduate research student program