東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III / GSII


August 30, 2022

「今更聞けない、でも知りたい!学府生活の疑問」Part2(FAQ編)Answering survey results on questionnaire regarding campus life at GSII (Part 2)

学環ウェブ&ニューズレター編集部では、5月末に行ったアンケート「今さら聞けない、でも知りたい!学府生活の疑問」に寄せられた声の中で特に多かったものを中心に、ちょっとした「学府生活のFAQ」を作成しました。少しでも学府生の参考になればと思います。また、今回寄せられたご意見について、専攻長の佐倉統先生にいただいたコメントもあわせてご紹介します。(Part 1 アンケート結果編はこちら

The Editorial team of the III/GSII Website & Newsletter has created a brief collection of “FAQs on campus life in the GSII” based on the most frequently asked questions in the survey performed in late May. We hope this will be of some help to GSII students. At the end of the FAQs there is a message from Professor Osamu Sakura, the head of the department, regarding the feedback we received this time. (Part 1 can be read here)


(English follows Japanese/英文は和文のうしろにあります)


Q: コピー機の使い方を教えてください。
A: 学府の入学ガイダンス時に支給されたコピーカード(500枚/年)は下記3カ所にあるコピー機で使えます(白黒コピーのみ)。学府のコピーカードはこの3カ所のコピー機以外には対応していないのでご注意ください!

① 福武ホール・コピー室(2台・1階の中央エレベーターホールに向かって左側)
② 情報学環本館・4階院生室内(1台)
③ 情報学環本館・5階図書室外(1台)







A: コモンズはもともとグループワークやミーティングなど、声を出して作業して学びを広げたり、学生同士の横のつながりを作るスペースですので、ここでZoomに参加し話すことは問題ありません。でも、ハイブリッド授業やリモートミーティングなど、あまり周りに聞かれたくない内容や、静かな落ち着く環境で話したいこともありますよね。学府施設にはコモンズ以外に声出し可能な場所はありませんが(福武ホールのラーニングスタジオや本館7階演習室は現在その目的での開放はされていません)、本郷キャンパスでは総合図書館の防音ブースが予約の上で利用することができます。詳しくは総合図書館のサイトをご確認ください。


A: 学環ポータルは、学務チームから学生へのお知らせや各種情報がすべて集まっている情報チャンネルです。しかし今回「ポータルの使い勝手が良くない」「使い方がイマイチわからない」といった声を本当にたくさんいただきました。ここで重大発表です!なんといま、ポータルをなくし、情報チャンネルをわかりやすく統合・管理する話が動いているそうです。時期はまだ未定だそうですが、ポータルに集まっている情報をITC-LMSやUTASなどへ移行し統合する方向とのことです。今後どうなるか、乞うご期待!




A: かつて学府では「Who’s who」という、新入生の研究テーマと自己紹介集が毎年作成され、共有されていました。1人A4で1枚の短い自己紹介ですが、これを見るとコースを超えて学府にどんな人がいるかが一目でわかり、「こういう研究をしている人がいるんだ」とか、「この人とプロジェクトができそう」と思ったものです。コロナ禍のうちに「Who’s who」は廃止されてしまったようですが、今回、ゼミやコースの垣根を超えて仲間を作りたい、その機会がほしいという声が数多く寄せられた中で、復活を期待したいところです。2020年度までの「Who’s who」はポータルで読むことができますので、ご興味のある方はぜひチェックしてみてください。






(Part 1 アンケート結果編はこちら



(FAQ in English continues/以下は英文版です)


<Facilities and equipment available to GSII students>

Q: Where do I use the copy machine?
A: The copy cards (500 pages/year) provided at the GSII entrance guidance can be used for the copy machines in the following three locations (black and white copies only). Please note that GSII copy cards can only be used for these copy machines and are not compatible with copy machines elsewhere in the university!

Locations of GSII copy machines:
① Fukutake Hall – Copy Room (2 machines, located on the left side facing the central elevator hall on the 1st floor)
② III Main Building (Honkan) 4th floor (1 machine, located inside the Graduate Student Room)
③ III Main Building (Honkan) 5th floor (1 machine, located outside the III Library)

If your copy card runs out, please contact the Academic Affairs Division (Gakumu).


Q: What is the Graduate Student Room?
A: The graduate student room is intended to be used for individual study by graduate students in the GSII, special auditing students, foreign research students, and graduate research students. It is located on the 4th floor of the III Main Building. The semi-private, partitioned study space is equipped with power outlets and lighting and is recommended for those who want to work alone and concentrate. Lockers are also available and can be loaned for one year if you apply to the Gakumu at the beginning of the academic year. This room is open from 8 am to 8 pm, but please note that you cannot enter the III Main Building after 7 pm. In addition, please note that this room is closed on weekends and holidays. It may be a little inconvenient in that it is not available on weekday evenings and weekends, and the facilities are old…but its intended use is different from that of the Commons, so please take advantage of it.


Q: Are there any other places besides the Commons where I can join Zoom meetings without worrying about my surroundings?
A: The Commons has always been a space for group work and meetings, where students can talk and expand their learning while making connections with other students, so there is no problem with participating and talking on Zoom there. However, there are times when you may want to talk in a private setting while attending a hybrid class or remote meeting. While there are no other places in the GSII facilities where you can speak out loud other than the Commons (the Learning Studio in Fukutake Hall and the 7th floor seminar room in the III Main Building are currently not open for this purpose), Sound Proof Booths in the General Library are available on the Hongo campus upon reservation. Please check the General Library website for details.


<Information channels of the GSII (Portal, ITC-LMS, Slack, etc.)>

Q: I have difficulty using the GSII Portal.
A: The GSII Portal site is an information channel where all the announcements and various information from the Gakumu to students are gathered. However, we have received so many comments that the portal is not very user-friendly. Here is a big announcement! We have heard that there is now a plan to eliminate the portal and integrate and manage the information channels in an easy-to-understand manner. Exactly when this will happen is still undecided, but the information gathered on the portal will be migrated and integrated into ITC-LMS and UTAS. Please stay tuned for further information!


Q: What is III/GSII Slack?
A: In the spring of 2020, III/GSII Slack was launched as a casual information-sharing channel that includes faculty, staff, and students of the III/GSII. You can freely create a channel and send DMs to each other. This information channel is actively being used to announce events and recruit participants for experiments, so please continue to use it as a channel for casual communication. However, not everyone involved with the III/GSII is participating or utilizing Slack, so important information is disseminated via email or the GSII portal rather than Slack.


<Other problems in GSII academic life>

Q: I would like to know what kind of research is being done by GSII students.
A: In the past, the GSII created and shared an annual “Who’s who”, a collection of research topics and self-introductions of new students. The introductions were short (about one sheet of A4), but they provided an overview of who was in the GSII irrespective of which course they belonged to. Although “Who’s who” seems to have been discontinued in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are hopeful that it will soon be revived amid the many requests we received for the opportunity to make friends beyond the boundaries separating laboratories and courses. Please check out previous editions of “Who’s who” up to FY2020 on the GSII portal, if you are interested.

<What improvements we would like to see to the III/GSII>

Among the many opinions raised from the students, many have said that they wanted more opportunity to meet with their peers. The editorial team had an opportunity to share the concerns of the students with the head of the department, Professor Osamu Sakura.


Message from Professor Osamu Sakura:

I think the concerns raised in the student survey are not necessarily unique to GSII students but are shared throughout the University of Tokyo and beyond, as online has taken center stage with the COVID-19 pandemic. The “tacit knowledge” of the organization would have been acquired and shared over time through interactions and communications in the Commons, in laboratories, or when bumping into each other, but the pandemic has completely taken away the opportunity to share such knowledge. After reading students’ comments, I have realized once again the importance of communication outside of the classroom. From now on, while keeping an eye on the pandemic situation, I would like to increase face-to-face opportunities as much as possible and create an environment where everyone’s tacit knowledge is easily shared, and communication is easily generated.


We hope that these FAQs will be of some help to you in your campus life in the coming semester and beyond.
Finally, we would like to express our appreciation once again to Professor Sakura, the Academic Affairs Division (Gakumu), and all those who cooperated.


Organized by the Editorial team of the III/GSII Website & Newsletter
Editing & Text: Jimmine Yoo (Ph.D. Student/Editorial team)
English proofreading: David Buist (Project senior specialist)