東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III / GSII


July 8, 2022

「ウクライナ衛星画像マップ」プロジェクトThe “Satellite Images Map of Ukraine” Project


このプロジェクトの始まりは、共同研究者で地理情報システムの専門家である青山学院大学の古橋大地教授が、衛星画像企業のPlanet Lab社が提供したウクライナの爆撃を受けた空軍基地の画像を地図上に重ね合わせたデータをTwitterに投稿し、それを見た渡邉先生がすぐにCesiumにマッピングしてリプライしたことだったそうです。その後世界各地のクリエイターたちとも協働しながら、衛星画像と3Dデータのマッピングは続けられています。





3Dマップで可視化されるウクライナの被害 位置情報が加えられた写真の“束”が伝える大切なこと (UTokyo FOCUS, 4.1.2022)



Ever since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began on February 24th, Professor Hidenori Watanave has been mapping open-source satellite images and 3D models of the situation in that country on the digital earth platform “Cesium”. Providing three-dimensional visualization of various realities, including bombed theaters, housing complexes and daycare facilities, this map, titled “Satellite Images Map of Ukraine, speaks quietly, yet eloquently, to its viewers.

According to Professor Watanave, the project began when his collaborator, Professor Daichi Furuhashi of Aoyama Gakuin University, an expert in geographic information systems, posted on Twitter a geolocated satellite image of bombarded Ukranian air force base released by Planet Labs, a satellite imaging company. Immediately on seeing this, Professor Watanave mapped the image onto Cesium and replied. The project has since continued to this day, with several creators from different countries joining the effort.

Working on this project for four months, Professor Watanave said he came to understand that satellite images could only be taken on clear days, and that images of areas in the midst of a battle were not being released, apparently due to corporate decisions by the satellite imagery companies. In fact, satellite images of eastern Ukraine were not available for nearly a month, he said. But during that time, Professor Watanave searched and analyized other open data sets including those from the European Space Agency and NASA, and mapped them as additional new information.

The 3D models were created by several collaborators from different countries including a 19-year-old from Donesk region of Ukraine, as well as Lebanese and German nationals who have been creating 3D models of the situation of Ukraine on their own. Professor Watanave believes that the digital map became a medium to connect with such creators who had empathy for the project. “If we had met in person we may not have been able to communicate because of the language barrier, but this map has allowed us to communicate because we share a common vision to show the world the destruction taking place in Ukraine,” he said.

Even if the names of places and the coordinates for their satellite images and 3D data are identified, the only way to find the exact location is to visually search for it, which is a painstaking process. Through this effort, however, Professor Watanave says he has now acquired a good knowledge of Mariupol and other areas of Eastern Ukraine.

Like the “Hiroshima Archive,” and other data mapping projects that Professor Watanave has undertaken, this latest project is an example of data visualization. But unlike other projects this is an ongoing war, and the situation changes daily. Professor Watanave’s collaborative work with creators from around the world will continue for some time.


3D maps capture scope of damage, add new dimension to Ukraine coverage Pinpointing geographical location of satellite images helps paint larger picture of war (UTokyo Focus, April 11, 2022)

Text: Setsuko Kamiya (Project assistant professor)
English proofreading: David Buist (Project senior specialist)

主担当教員Associated Faculty Members


渡邉 英徳
  • 文化・人間情報学コース
  • 先端表現情報学コース
  • アジア情報社会コース
  • 情報学環教育部


WATANAVE, Hidenori
  • Cultural and human information studies course
  • Emerging design and informatics course
  • ITASIA program
  • Undergraduate research student program