April 30, 2021
【教員インタビュー】 山内祐平教授(前編)Interview with Prof. YAMAUCHI, Yuhei (Part 1)
(English translation of the interview follows)
ー 先生のご研究について簡単にご紹介ください。
ー 昨年はパンデミックのために全世界が短時間で学習環境を強制的に変えさせられてしまいました。学習環境の専門家としてどうご覧になりましたか。
− コロナが終息する気配はまだ見えませんが、終わった先に、大学での学びのなかにオンラインはどういう形で残っていくと思われますか。
− コロナ禍で新たに始められたご研究はありますか。
− 誤解を恐れずに言えば、先生のご研究にとって2020年の出来事は、いいチャンスとなったような気もしますが、いかがでしょうか。
− コロナは学府の学生たちにどのような影響を及ぼしたとご覧になっていますか。
− 昨年度は研究をする上で、例えばインタビューや参与観察をしようとしてもできなかった人が結構多かったと思われます。ご存知の範囲でかまいませんが、昨年度の修論の研究に関して、学生はどのように取り組んだでしょうか。
The III/GSII’s time has now come:
New Dean envisions establishing the foundations for various new projects
We conducted an interview with Prof. Yuhei Yamauchi, who became Dean of the III/GSII in April 2021. In addition to expressing his views about the future of the III/GSII, he also talked about the pandemic and his own research on designing learning environments. (The interview was conducted on February 18th.)
Q. Would you give us a brief introduction to your research?
I am conducting research for the creation of new learning environments using information and communications technology. For example, I research how to enable deep learning using only online means and how to combine in-person learning with online learning to improve educational effectiveness. Now, with Covid-19, such things have become the norm.
Q. Last year, because of the pandemic, the whole world was forced to change its learning environment in a short period of time. How do you view this as an expert on learning environments?
On this occasion, we simply started doing online the same thing as we had previously been doing offline. The priority was simply to allow people to continue learning. Therefore, to guarantee educational opportunities, the University of Tokyo and other universities rapidly expanded online classes. Probably for the first time ever, the entire faculty have been conducting online classes. With so many people becoming aware of what can be achieved through the use of ICT, I think it is a very significant period in the history of the University of Tokyo.
However, it is hard to imagine that this will all simply end when the pandemic is over. I think the current situation is one in which most people still believe that in-person learning is better and view online learning as a necessary substitute while in-person classes cannot be held. But, fundamentally, although there are some areas where in-person is certainly better, there are also some instances where online is actually preferable. Furthermore, it may be possible to improve education and create a better learning environment by combining the two. As a result of this historical incident, I believe the time has now come for us all to make efforts to build a better learning environment.
Covid-19 has drawn attention to information and communication technology in a number of fields besides my own. In every field, the priority has been to respond quickly and find alternatives to face-to-face interaction using tools such as Zoom. However, this is certainly not an ideal situation. I think we need to consider more fundamentally what is desirable in an information society. On this basis, we should discuss how ICT is to be used, and where and for what purpose in-person communication should be used if at all.
Q. There is still no end in sight to the pandemic, but when it does finally end, what role do you think online learning will still play in university education?
Large lecture classes, where a professor stands in front of 500 or so students, can actually be conducted more effectively online. Using online chat, students can send in their questions, thus achieving interactivity. I expect that such large lecture classes will continue to be held online.
On the other hand, I think it is clear that smaller classes, where the participants do something interactive, especially when they are doing an activity where they engage in small group discussions or create something through groupwork, are very difficult to conduct online. Remote meeting tools like Zoom do make it much easier than before, but latency makes simultaneous communication difficult. It is not truly interactive when people have to take turns to speak. As regards activities like fieldwork that must be done in a real place, we have all keenly felt the importance of doing things in person. I think it will be very important to consider how to combine things that are best done in person with things that are best done online in the creation of a new learning environment.
Q. Have you initiated any new research since the beginning of the pandemic?
I have been doing research on workshops. As one element of the learning environment, workshops have a very high degree of interactivity and are naturally best conducted in person. I have been investigating how they might be conducted online. When the state of emergency was announced in April 2020, schools were closed for a while. Many children were forced to read textbooks on their own, work on exercise books, or, in some cases, just watch videos or television. In order to guarantee their opportunity to learn creatively while interacting with each other in the present circumstances, I have been thinking about how to have something like an online workshop, even if not 100% at least 80%. Because of the pandemic, children can no longer meet each other, but that kind of learning is naturally very important. We have started an online workshop program for children in conjunction with an existing joint project we have been pursuing with a company called SCSK. It has been going very well.
Q. If I were to state it bluntly, it would seem that the events of 2020 have been a great opportunity for your research. How would you respond?
Rather than being an opportunity, it is more a case of being reminded of the importance. It would be more accurate to say that we have felt under pressure. In the past, it was just my own area of specialization, but now everyone has started using ICT and the demands have become greater and greater. In that sense, I feel an obligation to devote myself to it even more.
Q. How have you seen the pandemic impact students in the GSII?
All those studying at universities and graduate schools have faced the same difficult situation. It is especially difficult for those new to the community, such as first-year students, who have not been able to form human relations and have become isolated. This makes it difficult to maintain the motivation to study. It is the same in the GSII, especially for first-year master’s students. Among my own students, seminars have been held exclusively online. Students have not been able to come to the university and form relations with their classmates. The usual spontaneous transmission of know-how from seniors to juniors has become very difficult. I think it has been a very difficult year for everyone.
If we narrow the focus only to classes, the III/GSII has been able to conduct lessons online relatively smoothly almost without trouble. I think the formal transmission of knowledge has basically continued almost unhindered. However, when it comes to community formation, things have been much more difficult. We have not been able to have informal conversations with those seated next to us in the same room. This applies to faculty meetings as well as to students in classes. It has become very difficult to learn about the research contents of new faculty or students. This is a problem we must address from now on. There is of course a limit to what the GSII can do alone when the university as a whole decides to raise its activity restriction level to 1 or 0.5 or whatever. I want to consult with everyone to find ways to maintain the greatest possible amount of human interaction at that level.
This whole experience has made me painfully aware of the extent to which graduate research is so deeply rooted in community. It really does not go well without human relations. New ideas emerge and develop from interaction with other people. Some of this interaction can be replicated through the use of ICT, but when it comes to forming basic human relations, face-to-face communication still has the edge.
Another thing is the power of space. The act of sharing the same space with other people – well, I suppose it could be achieved virtually – and having conversations in the natural way is really something joyous. The present situation has made everyone very aware of this fact. There is something very rich and human about sitting together and drinking. Therefore, conversely, now that this has become clear to us, we will treasure it even more in the future.
After outbreaks of infectious diseases in the past, there have been great flowerings of culture emphasizing the importance of in-person interaction. When the current pandemic ends, rather than simply continuing with everything online, a new age and new culture recognizing the importance of in-person interaction will come. Of course, we will not totally negate the online, but I think the focus will be on how to combine the best of both forms of communication.
Q. It seems that many people who had planned to do interviews or participant observation research were unable to do so last year. To the extent of your knowledge, how did students tackle the situation in their master’s thesis research?
There were several patterns. Intervention-type research is obviously difficult, so some switched to doing surveys instead. There are also those who did survey research in preparation for when they were able to do intervention research again. Then, some students persisted with plans for intervention research but found ways to do it online. I think both types of research are important. Precisely now during a pandemic, we have a duty as academics to gather knowledge from the grassroots, and surveys are an important first step. One important topic for future research will be how to conduct high-value interventions online. They may have taken many different trajectories, but the students in the GSII have been working very hard.
People are actually resilient. They try to push ahead with life even under harsh circumstances. They somehow find ways to keep learning and doing research. Of course, there is hardship, but there are still many things you can do if you make an effort. Many people in the past continued studying while working using remote learning environments. There is also the Open University. Remote education began about 100 years ago with the introduction of postal services. Many things can be learned even without meeting in person, and the historical record proves this. The valiant efforts made by GSII graduate students at this time will surely leave a legacy whose benefits will be reaped ten or twenty years from now. We can surely expect new areas to be opened up.
(Continue reading Part 2)
Interviewers: Kayoung Kim (Project researcher), Setsuko Kamiya (Project assistant professor)
Translation: David Buist (Project senior specialist)
主担当教員Associated Faculty Members
山内 祐平
- 文化・人間情報学コース
- アジア情報社会コース
- Cultural and human information studies course
- ITASIA program