January 9, 2025
ホームカミングデイ2024Homecoming Day 2024
今年度の情報学環ホームカミングデーのテーマは、「デザインの実践と学術研究の境界」でした。渡邉英徳教授の挨拶の後、両者がどのように相互作用し、影響を与え合うのかについて、学環・学府にゆかりのある阿部卓也氏(愛知淑徳大学創造表現学部准教授)、伊達亘氏(グラフィックデザイナー、長岡造形大学 造形学部 デザイン学科 助教)、Dea Bankova(デア・バンコヴァ)氏(Reutersデータサイエンティスト)、齋藤帆奈氏(現代美術作家、博士課程)と、澁谷遊野准教授、筧康明教授、渡邉英徳教授によるパネルディスカッションが行なわれました。
On Saturday, October 19th, the III/GSII held its Homecoming Day at Fukutake Hall. The University of Tokyo’s Homecoming Day is held annually on the third Saturday of October. In this event, alumni, graduates, their families, Tokyo University fans, and nearby residents gather on campus for a day of connection and celebration.
This year, homecoming was held as a full in-person event, drawing a lively crowd, nearly filling the venue to capacity.
The theme for this year’s Homecoming Day was “The Boundary between Design Practice and Academic Research.” After a greeting by Professor Hidenori Watanave, a panel discussion was held on how the two areas interact and influence each other. The discussion featured alumni and others with ties to the III/GSII: Takuya Abe (Associate Professor, Aichi Shukutoku University), Wataru Date (Assistant Professor, Nagaoka Institute of Design), Dea Bankova (Researcher, Reuters), and Honna Saitō (doctoral student, GSII), Yūno Shibuya (Associate Professor, III), Yasuaki Kakei (Professor, III), and Hidenori Watanave (Professor, III). Time was set aside for discussions with those seated nearby, and interactive exchanges with the panelists were facilitated through Slido. Through the panel discussion, a shared space for dialogue was created between the guests and the audience.
Design practice often involves intuitive creativity in the field, while academic research emphasizes theoretical frameworks and analysis. The discussion explored new insights born from the intersection of these two approaches and the mutual impact that academic perspectives and practice can have on each other, providing a space to consider the future of design.
Additionally, Professor Yasuaki Kakei and Dr. Wataru Date (graphic designer and assistant professor at Nagaoka Institute of Design, former visiting researcher at III/GSII) presented the new logo created for the 25th anniversary of III/GSII next year. The new design was crafted by Dr. Wataru Date, who also worked on the logo for the school’s 20th anniversary.
The newly unveiled logo features two superimposed vortices expanding outward from the center. For more details, please visit this article (https://www.iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp/news/2024111121430).
The event concluded successfully with a comment and greeting from Professor Kimiro Meguro (Director of III/GSII), focusing on the idea that modern society may indeed be in need of a grand design.
Article by: Makiko Harada(Project assistant Professor)
Article supervision by: Hidenori Watanave(Professor)
English proofreading: David Buist (Project Senior Specialist)