October 28, 2020
ホームカミングデイHomecoming Day
学環・学府20周年の節目となるホームカミングデー・オンラインイベント「ディスタンス時代における『学際』」を,2020/10/17(土)19:00 – 21:00に開催しました。ゲストとして落合陽一さん(筑波大学准教授、2015年学際情報学府博士課程修了)と李怡然さん(医科学研究所武藤研究室特任研究員)をお招きし,司会役の渡邉英徳教授と共にパネルディスカッションを実施しました。
記事:渡邉英徳 (教授)
As part of the ongoing celebration of the III/GSII’s twentieth anniversary, an online homecoming event was held in the evening of October 17th. The event’s title was “‘Interdisciplinarity’ in the Age of Distance”. It featured a panel discussion with two guests, Yoichi Ochiai (Associate Professor at the University of Tsukuba and 2015 graduate of the GSII Ph.D. program) and Ri Izen (Research Fellow at the Institute of Medical Science, the University of Tokyo) chaired by Professor Hidenori Watanave.
The prospectus of the event reads as follows:
Instead of being the year of the Tokyo Olympics, 2020 has turned out to be the year of the COVID-19 pandemic. We have become accustomed to the concept of social distancing, and the shape of research and education at the university has changed radically. With the demise of face-to-face interaction, much has been lost. However, the situation is not entirely negative. For example, online classes and remote work have given us a degree of freedom from the constraints of physical distance. It is likely that such changes will continue even after the pandemic subsides.
Following the panel discussion, the online participants (as many as 250) engaged in lively discussion on the topic of “interdisciplinarity in the age of distance” from diverse perspectives including those of media art, medicine, and information design.
Text: Hidenori Watanave (Professor)
Photo: Koya Narumi (Assistant professor)
English translation: David Buist (Project senior specialist)
主担当教員Associated Faculty Members
渡邉 英徳
- 文化・人間情報学コース
- 先端表現情報学コース
- アジア情報社会コース
- 情報学環教育部
WATANAVE, Hidenori
- Cultural and human information studies course
- Emerging design and informatics course
- ITASIA program
- Undergraduate research student program