東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


December 2, 2020

コロナ禍における研究活動 – 対面・同期型オンライン併用型授業の紹介 –The practice of hybrid-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic

新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響によりさまざまな制限がある中ですが、山内研究室では学習環境(空間・活動・共同体・人工物)をどのようにデザインすれば、より効果的な学びを支援できるのかについての研究活動を継続して行っています。その実践の一例として、山内ゼミはいま、対面と同期型オンライン(以下、オンライン)の併用で行われています。このような学習形態を「ハイブリッド学習 (Hybrid Learning)」と呼びます。




山内祐平「【エッセイ】オンラインと対面を組み合わせたハイブリッド学習」(Ylab 東京大学 山内研究室) 2020.07.08

山内祐平『学習環境のイノベーション』東京大学出版会, 2020

井坪葉奈子「【文献とディスカッション内容の紹介】MOOCsと豊かな学習環境」(Ylab 東京大学 山内研究室) 2020.09.14


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, learning and research activities at Yamauchi Laboratory are currently being conducted through a combination of face-to-face and synchronous online learning. We call this type of learning “Hybrid Learning”. We are continuing our research on how we can design learning environments to support effective learning.

Every week, eight of us join face-to-face, and six online. Face-to-face opportunities are distributed equally, but in the end, each of us have the right to decide how and from where we join. Face-to-face participants bring their own laptops, join Zoom, and mute themselves. A speaker phone in the center of the classroom picks up the voices of the voices in the classroom and delivers them to the online participants.

The lack of “chit-chat” is often noted as a downside of online learning. One of the advantages of hybrid learning is that this “chit-chat” can be stimulated. By having the in-person participants start chatting first, it becomes easier for the online participants to join the conversation. Every so often, we notice something interesting from the online participant’s bookshelf, which can lead to small talk about their hobbies and values. Unexpectedly, this “chit-chat” can sometimes give us inspiration for new research ideas, as well as deepen understanding of each other’s research passions.

Another advantage is that we can decide how to join the class depending on our individual learning styles or the situation on the day. Instead of adopting online learning as an “alternative” or a “compromise” to face-to-face learning, we should keep exploring effective learning by understanding the characteristics and learning effects of each learning type.

<LINKS> (Japanese)
山内祐平「【エッセイ】オンラインと対面を組み合わせたハイブリッド学習」(Ylab 東京大学 山内研究室) 2020.07.08

山内祐平『学習環境のイノベーション』東京大学出版会, 2020  (Yamauchi, Yuhei. Innovation of Learning Environments. University of Tokyo Press, 2020.)

井坪葉奈子「【文献とディスカッション内容の紹介】MOOCsと豊かな学習環境」(Ylab 東京大学 山内研究室) 2020.09.14

Text & Photo: Naomi Iwazawa (Masters Student)
Proofreading: David Buist (Project senior specialist)

主担当教員Associated Faculty Members


山内 祐平
  • 文化・人間情報学コース
  • アジア情報社会コース


  • Cultural and human information studies course
  • ITASIA program