東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III / GSII


December 20, 2019

2019 日韓台シンポジウム「News, Information and Media in the Post-Truth Era」The UT-SNU-NCCU Symposium 2019 “News, Information and Media in the Post-Truth Era”

ソウル大学校社会科学大学言論情報学科、国立政治大学伝播学院、そして東京大学大学院情報学環・学際情報学府が共催する日韓台共同シンポジウム「News, Information and Media in the Post-Truth Era」が、11月22日〜23日にソウル大学で開催されました。



23日のエクスカーションでは、テレビ・ラジオ放送やデジタルコンテンツを扱うBitmaru Broadcasting Support Centerを訪問しました。そこで待っていた課題は、実際のスタジオや専門機器を使って短いテレビニュース番組を作り上げること。学生たちが1回目は指導を受けながら、2回目は自分たちだけで番組を制作するなかで交流を深め、とても貴重な体験をさせていただきました。







On November 22nd and 23rd, 2019, the UT-SNU-NCCU International Symposium “News, Information and Media in the Post-Truth Era” was held in IBK Communication Center, Seoul National University.

This symposium has been co-sponsored annually for more than 20 years by the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies at the University of Tokyo (UT) and the Department of Communication at Seoul National University (SNU). The College of Communication at National Chengchi University (NCCU) joined in 2016. The symposium aims to strengthen relations among the three universities through the exchange of progress reports on research by faculty and students, and to share critical perspectives and ideas from a wide variety of research areas. 38 faculty members and students participated in 2019.

On the first day, after the opening speech and plenary speeches, two faculty sessions and four student sessions were held. Presentations were made from diverse research fields such as journalism, mass media, social media, disaster information and human-computer interaction. Questions were raised enthusiastically not only by faculty members but also by students, and the discussion ranged freely across disciplinary boundaries.

On the second day, participants visited Bitmaru Broadcasting Support Center. In this excursion program, participants were involved in making short TV news films using existing studios and facilities. Students made a film under supervision in the first try and without supervision in the second try. It was a valuable experience for them to collaborate and deepen exchange.

Text: Junko Taguchi (Assistant professor)
Proofreading: David Buist (Project senior specialist)


– Comments from Students

Mariko Kashiwamata (MA Student)
It was the first time for me to give a research talk abroad, so just taking a class on making presentations in English and giving a presentation at an international university was a valuable experience. Receiving interest and comments on my research from professors and students of SNU and NCCU gave me confidence about my research and encouraged me to continue pursuing it. Moreover, exchanging opinions about research with professors, doctoral students and master students from other labs brought new perspectives and consciousness to the problem of the paper. This is a great opportunity to develop knowledge for research, communicate with international researchers and build a network with other members of UT, so I hope many students are going to apply and go to the next UT-SNU-NCCU symposium, which will be held in Tokyo next year!

Jimmine YOO (MA Student)
Participation in the SNU-UT-NCCU symposium was a great inspiration for me. It was a very valuable experience not only to be able to hear presentations from other courses and laboratories, with which there are few opportunities to have contact, but also to be able to learn about the latest academic developments in East Asian countries, such as Korea and Taiwan. I was able to gain an international perspective by receiving advice from a Taiwanese professor about what I am struggling with in my research. I was very nervous about my first English presentation at this symposium; however, I was glad that I decided to participate because I was able to speak and exchange opinions actively regardless of language ability. Also, I think it was a very helpful opportunity to brush up my research while preparing presentations and learning how to do an academic presentation.

Miki Akaike (PhD Student)
It was the first time for me to attend this symposium. It was not only a place for us to introduce our research to each other but also a special place where I could receive some inspiration for my research and enhance it by exchanging academic perspectives from different cultural backgrounds and historical environments. It was a great honour to be here! I thank all faculty and students who supported students to accelerate our research and to deepen understanding of various cultures, giving us a great opportunity.

主担当教員Associated Faculty Members


関谷 直也
  • 社会情報学コース
  • 情報学環教育部


  • Socio-information and communication studies course
  • Undergraduate research student program