October 11, 2019
VR 学会大会 開催報告Report on the Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan
今年のVR学会大会では、研究内容を一覧しつつ密な議論ができるように、従来の15分の口頭発表から、口頭発表3分+ポスター発表45分に発表形式が大きく変更されました。さらに、口頭発表はYouTube Liveで中継され、会場に来られない遠方の方でも大会の様子を見ることができるようになりました。また、今年度は新たな取り組みとして、バーチャルリアリティ分野の国際会議であるICAT-EGVEと合同で大会を開催しました。国際会議と共同開催することで、規模・密度共に充実した大会になりました。
From September 11th to 13th, 2019, The 24th Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan was held in Bldg. 2 and 6 of the Faculty of Engineering Bldg. on Hongo Campus. This annual conference is held every summer and presents a wide range of virtual reality research. In 2019, Prof. Takeshi Naemura from the III was head of the conference. The steering committee was comprised of Prof. Masahiko Inami, Prof. Michitaka Hirose, Associate Prof. Yasuaki Kakehi, Associate Prof. Narumi Takushi, Assistant Prof. Takeo Hamada, Prof. Fukushima Shogo, and Dr. Saki Sakaguchi.
This year, major changes were made to the presentation format. Instead of 15-minute oral presentations as previously, 3-minute oral presentations were followed by 45-minute poster presentations, allowing the audience to review many research topics and discuss deeply. The oral presentations were broadcast on YouTube Live. In addition, this event was co-hosted with ICAT-EGVE, an international conference in the field of virtual reality. By co-hosting with an international conference, our conference was enriched in scale and intensity.
As usual, research presentations on a wide range of topics, such as body expansion, haptics, mixed reality and VR psychology, were presented at this conference.
Videos of research presentations have been uploaded. Please see the YouTube channel linked below.
– The official YouTube Channel, the 24th Annual Conference of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan
Text & Photo: Hajime Itsukaichi (MA student, Naemura Lab)
Proofreading: David Buist (Project senior specialist)
主担当教員Associated Faculty Members
苗村 健
- 先端表現情報学コース
- 情報学環教育部
NAEMURA, Takeshi
- Emerging design and informatics course
- Undergraduate research student program