東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


December 14, 2018

東京大学 制作展 2018「Dest-logy REBUILD」iii exhibition 2018 “Dest-logy REBUILD”

2018年11月15日(木)〜11月19日(月) の5日間にわたり、東京大学制作展2018「Dest-logy REBUILD」を本郷キャンパス工学部2号館にて開催しました。東京大学制作展は、学際情報学府の授業の一環で、コンセプト設定・展示物制作・運営を学生中心で行うメディアアートを中心とした展示会として、毎年7月と11月の2回開催しています。


「Dest-logy REBUILD」というテーマについて
今回の制作展では「Dest-logy REBUILD」をテーマとして、以下のコンセプト文とともに企画・展示を行いました。

“Dest-logy REBUILD”




About “iii Exhibition 2018”
An exhibition titled the University of Tokyo iiiExhibition 2018 “Dest-logy REBUILD” was held at Engineering Faculty Bldg. No. 2 on the Hongo Campus during 5 days from November 15 to 19, 2018. The exhibition is held twice a year in July and November as a part of the curriculum of the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies. In this media art focused exhibition, participating students handle everything from organizing, concept setting, and artwork creation.

On this occasion, participation was not limited only to graduate students in the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information and the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, but also included other students, such as those in the Informatics Department Education Division at Tokyo University of the Arts. The exhibition was publicized in various information media, and a total of about 2,500 visitors were able to visit and enjoy it.

About the subject of “Dest-logy REBUILD”
The exhibition was organized on the theme of “Dest-logy REBUILD” as presented in the following concept statement:

”Dest-logy REBUILD” 
Before we knew it, everyone was using computers.
Before we knew it, everyone had a smartphone.
Technology has seemingly decided the path of human progress.
But, at this turning point, what if we choose another path?
If we consciously destroy the existing “normalcy,” we’ll surely create another kind of world.
What might you see in a world that has never existed?

In this exhibit, we aimed to show you another kind of world through art that uses technology.
Also, in key visuals and venue design, I was conscious of the “surprises” and “fun” of the future reconstructed with pink as the keynote.

If you want to know about details of each work exhibited this time, please visit this website: http://iiiexhibition.com

Text: Kayano Hata (Undergraduate research student, iii exhibition PR)
Photo: Toshiyuki Numata (MA student, Hirose Lab), Motani Kazuki (MA student, Kamijo Lab), Ayumi Seki (Undergraduate research student)
Proofreading: David Buist (Project senior specialist)
Contact us: seisakuten@gmail.com

主担当教員Associated Faculty Members


苗村 健
  • 先端表現情報学コース
  • 情報学環教育部


NAEMURA, Takeshi
  • Emerging design and informatics course
  • Undergraduate research student program