October 25, 2018
スマホムービーコンテスト 入賞Awards received at Smartphone Movie Contest
情報学環メディアスタジオのクリエイティブ・ワークショップにて制作された2本の動画作品が、「オールナイトニッポン50th MY HOMETOWN スマホムービーコンテスト」に入賞しました。ワークショップでは「MY HOMETOWNとしての東大」をテーマに、スマートフォンのみで2分の動画を作成しました。
2本目は、第3期・春の「学生の部 優秀作品」として入賞した「アカデミシャンに見つめられて」(制作:日隈脩一郎さん、山本暁美さん)です。本郷キャンパスには(隣の弥生キャンパスにも)、実はいろいろなところに研究者の銅像が立っています。元総長や、来日して教鞭をとった海外のアカデミシャンも含まれます。この作品では、ふだん見過ごしてしまいがちなこの銅像にフォーカスした目の付けどころの良さが光りました。銅像を前からではなく、後ろから見たのは初めてです。
「スマホだけでつくってみよう、2分動画〜MY HOMETOWNとしての東大〜」
Two video works made by students in the iii Media Studio Creative Workshop received awards at “Allnight Nippon 50th MY HOMETOWN Smartphone Movie Contest”. In the workshop, two-minute movies on the theme of “UTokyo as MY HOMETOWN” were created entirely using smartphones.
The first movie, which received “Honorable Mention” in the 2nd season of the contest, is titled “Akogare no Hongo Campus (Hongo campus where we long to go)” (Hanako Tamura & Mikio Takahashi). While the red gate and the rigorous Hongo campus with its historical buildings represent the most typical image of the University of Tokyo, entrants need to spend their first two years at the comparatively modern Komaba campus. This movie shows the freshman’s feeling that there is still a long way to reach the University of Tokyo with a long divided-screen shot at the beginning.
The second movie received an award for “Excellent Work (student division)” in the 3rd season of the contest and is titled “Academician ni Mitsumerarete (Academicians are looking at you)” (Shuichiro Higuma & Akemi Yamamoto). There are many statues of academicians in Hongo (also in Yayoi) campus, including former presidents and researchers from abroad who taught at the University of Tokyo. What made this work stand out from the others may be that it focused on statues that we usually tend to overlook.
Please watch the movies by clinking the title links.
– Link
“Making a Two-minute Movie with a Smartphone: UTokyo as MY HOMETOWN”
Text: Kiyoko Toriumi (Project assistant professor)
Proofreading: David Buist (Project senior specialist)
主担当教員Associated Faculty Members
丹羽 美之
- 社会情報学コース
NIWA, Yoshiyuki
- Socio-information and communication studies course