東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III / GSII


August 2, 2018

東京大学 制作展 Extra2018「Dest-logy」iii exhibition Extra 2018 “Dest-logy”





東京大学制作展Extra2018アーカイブ映像 (日本語)
iii exhibition Extra 2018 Archive Video (English)

・Twitter →https://twitter.com/iiiexhibition/
・Facebook →https://www.facebook.com/iiiexhibition/
・Instagram →https://www.instagram.com/iiiexhibition/


お問い合わせ: seisakuten@gmail.com

iii Exhibition Extra was held from July 6th to 9th at the Open Studio, iii UTokyo and was attended by over 900 people. iii Exhibition is one of several practical classes given by the GSII, where students learn through practical experience on how to produce works, such as media art, and how to organize exhibitions.

This year, “The University of Tokyo iii exhibition Extra 2018” tried to break the conventional “commonplace,” and provided an opportunity to rethink about the technology, raising a concept called “Dest-logy”. Visitors seemed to enjoy the experience of “breaking the commonplace” through touching, watching the works, and moving their bodies. There were fourteen works exhibited, a quantity higher than the average years, including experience-based works using VR and picture-based works.

You can watch our archive video on Youtube.
iii exhibition Extra 2018 Archive Video (English)

You can also check out our portfolios on the website, and feel the atmosphere of the exhibition on SNS.
・Twitter →https://twitter.com/iiiexhibition/
・Facebook →https://www.facebook.com/iiiexhibition/
・Instagram →https://www.instagram.com/iiiexhibition/

Plans are going ahead for a larger exhibition in the autumn, possibly making use of a larger exhibition space. Up-to-date information is available on our website and other SNS services.

Text: Kayano Hata (Undergraduate research student, iii exhibition PR)
Proofreading: Richard Sahala Hartanto (MA student, Graduate School of Engineering)
Contact: seisakuten@gmail.com

主担当教員Associated Faculty Members


苗村 健
  • 先端表現情報学コース
  • 情報学環教育部


NAEMURA, Takeshi
  • Emerging design and informatics course
  • Undergraduate research student program