東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III / GSII


May 2, 2018

情報学環 ・ 福武ホール 10周年記念シンポジウムIII Fukutake Hall 10th Anniversary Symposium





なお第2部のシンポジウムでは、Tokyo Graphic Recorder 清水淳子氏によるグラフィックレコーディングが行われました。カラフルに可視化された対話の記録は、閉会後も参加者の方々の注目の的になり、新たな会話を引き起こしていました。



The Symposium “III Fukutake Hall 10th Anniversary Symposium – Living in the Age of Uncertainty: Keywords for the Next 10 Years” commemorating the 10th anniversary of Fukutake Hall was hosted on March 24, 2018. The participants looked back on the progress of Fukutake Hall, which opened in 2008, and explored ideas for how to proceed in the next decade.

In the first part of the symposium, Prof. Yuhei Yamauchi and Senior Lecturer Ryohei Ikejiri reported the achievements of Fukutake Hall so far. Fukutake Hall has been used by a total of 200,000 people in 10 years. Various activities have been carried out, such as lectures by Nobel laureates, science cafes (UTalk), and collaborative research with commercial companies.

Next, Mr. Tadao Ando, the architect who designed Fukutake Hall, gave a special lecture. He followed his trajectory of activity from tree planting activity in Setouchi district to currently underway construction projects. His powerful and inspiring message, delivered with a sense of humor, emphasized the importance of “Imagining how things should be ten years from now and making steady effort at realization” and “Creating a society where the Earth and various people live together”.

In the second part, a panel discussion entitled “Keywords for the Next 10 Years” was hosted by Professor Osamu Sakura (UTokyo) with the participation of Chiaki Hayashi (Representative Director of Loftwork Inc.), Prof. Katsuhiko Hibino (Tokyo University of Arts), Prof. Dominick Chen (Waseda University), and Prof. Shin Mizukoshi (UT). The keywords selected by the speakers were “Scent of the Earth”, “One by one”, “Fermentation”, and “Lunch”. These words unexpectedly showed us a common perspective. The dialogue focused on the tiny complexities of our everyday life as an alternative to “the main” or “the average”.

The panel discussion was graphically recorded by Junko Shimizu, Tokyo Graphic Recorder. The colorful graphic recording of the dialogue became the center of participants’ attention after closing, giving rise to further conversation.

The symposium encouraged us to look forward to future activities in Fukutake Hall as a crossroads between academic learning and creativity.

Text: Kohei Sugiyama (PhD student)
Photo: Yuga Harada (MA student)
Proofreading: David Buist (Project senior specialist)

主担当教員Associated Faculty Members


山内 祐平
  • 文化・人間情報学コース
  • アジア情報社会コース


  • Cultural and human information studies course
  • ITASIA program