東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III / GSII


January 9, 2018

学環学府ウェブサイト&ニューズレター 編集部The III/GSII Website and Newsletter Editorial Committee





まず、この「七人の侍」はどういう人かを紹介します。編集部には編集長・特任助教の鳥海希世子、暦本純一教授、水越伸教授、助教・川上玲、学環長秘書・岡田美保、特任専門員・David Buist、と博士学生・潘夢斐、七名の教職員と学生が集まっています。それぞれ異なった立場や学環との関わり方から学環についての情報を収集しています。








A Happy New Year!
The first article of 2018 is about the editorial committee of this III/GSII website who works on editing and publishing the top page articles in the “Recent research activities”.


The III/GSII Newsletter and articles published at the top of the III/GSII webpage are edited and sometimes also written by a seven-member editorial committee. This article is a brief introduction to the work of that committee.

– Composition of the Committee

The current membership of the committee is as follows: Kiyoko Toriumi (Project Assistant Professor and Chief Editor), Junichi Rekimoto (Professor), Shin Mizukoshi (Professor), Rei Kawakami (Assistant Professor), Miho Okada (Executive Assistant to the Dean of the III/GSII), David Buist (Senior Project Specialist) and Mengfei Pan (PhD Student).

– Editorial Meetings

The editorial committee meets every month to decide what events and topics to cover in the newsletter and webpage articles. Once these have been chosen, articles are either written by the committee members themselves or requested from other persons directly involved with the topics or events covered.

– Covering Events and Writing Articles

Since there is often little opportunity for interaction and discussion among faculty members of the III/GSII, interviews and dialogues have been specially arranged for inclusion in the webpage articles, such as the recent dialogue between Assoc. Prof. Aya Ikegame and Assoc. Prof. Chuluu E. Khochahar. Moreover, in response to the large amount of interest from overseas, much content has been created or translated into English.

The members of the editorial committee are charged with the task of gathering information on the diverse activities happening in the III/GSII while making use of many different skills, including writing, photography and translating. It is simply impossible to cover everything. One of their greatest challenges is therefore to make balanced judgments about what to include.

A brief word from each member of the committee:
Toriumi: “The next newsletter is the 50th issue! There is never a dull moment at the III/GSII.”
Rekimoto: “We aim to spread the word on the diverse activities of the III/GSII.”
Mizukoshi: “I feel that we bind together the III/GSII community through the medium we create.”
Okuda: “I keep antennas pricked to provide support for the diverse editorial members.”
Kawakami: “As an information scientist who works in the Engineering Faculty Building, I am a keen reader of the webpage articles.”
Buist: “I mainly edit and translate articles for the English language section. We aim to provide some English content on every topic covered.”
Pan: “I make suggestions for articles from a student’s perspective. I spend most of my time in the museum.”

On behalf of the editorial committee, this article was written by Mengfei Pan and translated by David Buist.