東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III / GSII


January 17, 2017

記録映画アーカイブ・プロジェクトThe Documentary Film Archive Project



このようなワークショップは現在まで継続されています。2016年12月1日(木)、工学部2号館 92B教室で第7回ミニワークショップ「満洲の旅――ホームムービーから観光映画まで」が開催されました。記録映画保存センターは、一昨年から全国の文化施設の映画フィルム所蔵調査を行っています。調査の中で、初代満鉄総裁・後藤新平の家族が満洲を旅する様子を記録した貴重なホームムービーの所在が確認されました。

これ以外にも、満洲への旅を記録した観光映画は数多くあります。ワークショップでは、上記の「満鮮の旅・父銅像除幕式参列のため」(1930年)に加えて、「満洲の旅」(1937年)、「内鮮満周遊の旅 内地篇」(1937年)、「内鮮満周遊の旅 満洲篇」(1937年)、「娘々廟会」(1940年)の4本が上映されました。満洲の観光をテーマに研究をしているゲストの駒澤大学准教授高媛先生が同時解説を行いました。会場には100名以上の方々が来場し、「記録映画という観点で、満洲を見直す企画、たいへん興味深かったです」などの感想が寄せられました。



The Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, the University of Tokyo launched the Documentary Film Archive Project with the cooperation of the Documentary Films Preservation Center, film production companies and processing laboratories. By collecting films that are currently facing the crisis of dissipation or disappearance, this project aims to utilize the material resources of documentary films coherently in aspects of both research and education.

In prewar and post-war Japan, a variety of precious documentary films were produced, such as newsletter films, industry promotional films, scientific films and educational films. However, with the bankruptcy or dissolution of these production companies, films began to be lost and scattered without being organized properly.

Therefore, this project started a series of activities in order to protect these films from disappearing. A series of workshops showing various documentary films periodically was started in the spring of 2009. At each workshop diverse guests including producers and researchers are invited. By watching the actual films, the participants also trace the historical development of documentary films.

On 1st December 2016, the 7th workshop, “A Grand Tour in Manchuria: From Home-movie to Tourism Promotional Film” was held at Room 92B in Building No.2 of the Department of Engineering. The Documentary Films Preservation Center has been conducting surveys on the status of film possession by cultural facilities in Japan since two years ago. In the survey, the location was confirmed of a home-movie showing precious scenes of how the relatives of Gotō Shinpei, the first president of the South Manchuria Railway Company, travelled in Manchuria.

There are several other tourism promotional films on travel in Manchuria. In this workshop, besides “A Tour of Manchuria and Korea – For Attending the Unveiling Ceremony of Father” (1930) that was mentioned above, other films include “Travel Across Manchuria ” (1937), “A Grand Tour of Manchuria and Inner Korea – Manchuria” (1937), “A Grand Tour of Manchuria and Inner Korea – Japan Homeland” (1937), and “Niangniang Temple Ceremony” (1940). This workshop invited Associate Professor Gao Yuan from Komazawa University, who is an expert on Manchurian tourism, to provide a simultaneous commentary with the screening of the films. More than 100 people attended the workshop and gave impressive comments. As one participant remarked, “It is very interesting because this workshop is based on the idea of reviewing Manchuria from the perspective of documentary film.”

The article was written by Wang Le (PhD student)

主担当教員Associated Faculty Members


丹羽 美之
  • 社会情報学コース


NIWA, Yoshiyuki
  • Socio-information and communication studies course