東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


教育部研究生 入学試験の概要 Undergraduate Research Student Program

令和4(2022)年度 東京大学大学院情報学環 教育部研究生入学試験の概要Undergraduate Research Student Program Admissions



Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies has ceased distribution of printed hard copies of application documents for entrance examinations. Henceforth, the “Guidelines on Admissions to the Undergraduate Research Student Program” and prescribed format paper will be available by download only. Before submitting your application, please be sure to download the appropriate documents from the links below.

The most recent Guidelines for Applicants to the Undergraduate Research Student Program can be viewed by downloading the above PDF file.

1. 出願資格1.Requirements for Eligibility

  1. すでに、4年制大学(学部)に在籍している者
  2. 大学を卒業した者ただし、入学時(令和4(2022)年4月時点)に大学院に在籍している者は入学できない。また、学部学生はその学部での学習に、有職者は勤務先の職務に支障がないものに限る。なお、有職者の場合、勤務先との雇用契約上の問題については自らの責任において処理すること。
  1. Those who have completed, or are expected to complete, at least two years of enrollment as an undergraduate at universities.
  2. Those who have graduated from universities.Please note, however, that those who are enrolled in graduate school in April 2022, will not be admitted to this program.
    Also, participation as a student in this program must not be allowed to interfere with studies at universities or with the duties of employment. People with full-time jobs must take responsibility for any problems arising in relation to their contracts of employment.

2. 募集人員2. No. of students received per year


Approximately 30

3. 出願方法3. How to apply

  1. 出願は郵送に限る
  2. 受付期間 令和4(2022)年1月17日(月)~1月20日(木)
  1. All applications must be submitted by mail.
  2. Applications must arrive at our office during the four-day period from January 17th (Monday) to January 20th (Thursday), 2022. (Applications arriving on January 21th (Friday) or later will only be accepted if they are post-marked no later than January 20th, 2022.)

4. 試験期日4. Date of Entrance Examination

  1. 面接試験: 令和4(2022)年2月24日(木)一次試験合格者に対し、オンライン会議システム(Zoom)により遠隔で行う。
  1. Interview: Only those who have passed the primary entrance examination will be permitted to continue to the interview(online).February 24th 2022 (Thu)

平成29(2017)年度東京大学大学院情報学環教育部自治会作成ガイドブック及び前年度(令和2年度)試験問題(筆記試験)の配付Distribution of Distribution of A copy of the pamphlet produced by the URSP Students’ Association and the previous year’s written examination




1. 事務室窓口で入手する
配付場所 東京大学大学院情報学環事務部学務チーム
電話 03-5841-8769 / 03-5841-8768
受付日時 月~金 9:30~12:00, 13:00~17:00
2. 郵送により入手する
〒113-0033 東京都文京区本郷7-3-1
  1. 請求する封筒の表面に「教育部自治会パンフレット等請求」と明記し、裏面に請求者の氏名・住所・電話番号を記入してください。
  2. 返信用封筒(角形2号[A4サイズ対応]、140円切手貼付、宛先記入)を同封してください。教育部自治会パンフレット・前年度試験問題をお送りします。



This document can be obtained through any one of the following methods. A copy of the pamphlet produced by the URSP Students’ Association and the previous year’s written examination paper is included.

“Distribution of A copy of the pamphlet produced by The URSP Students’ Association and the previous year’s written examination″ is started on 7 December 2017.

1. In person from our office
Place of distribution Academic Affairs Division
Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies
III Main Building, 1F
University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN
Telephone: 03-5841-8768/8769
Office Hours 9:30-12:00, 13:00-17:00, Monday-Friday
2. By mail

Send your request to the following address

Academic Affairs Division
Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies
University of Tokyo,
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN

Mark your envelope clearly with the words “Request for URSP Students’ Association pamphlet” and include an A4-size self-addressed return envelope. (If mailing within Japan, affix postage to the value of 140JPY.)

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