東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III / GSII


November 8, 2019

ホームカミングデーHomecoming Day


南後由和 (明治大学准教授)「トランス・メディアとは何か―コンスタントのニューバビロン」
豊田啓介 (建築家)「動き出す建築」
渡邉英徳 (情報学環教授)「『記憶の解凍』 ―資料の“ フロー” 化とコミュニケーションの創発による記憶の継承」 



記事:岡 美穂子(准教授)

On October 19, the III held a faculty and alumni event at Fukutake Leaning Theater as a part of the “Homecoming Day of the University of Tokyo.”
The event was a colloquium focusing on “Information and Space.” The program was as below.

“What is trans-media? analysis on Constant’s New Babylon” by Yoshikazu Nango (Meiji University)
“Architecture with movement” by Keisuke Toyoda (Architect)
“Decompression of memories – inheritance of memory by creating “flow” of sources and encouraging communication between designers and informants” by Hidenori Watanabe (III, University of Tokyo)

After the presentations, the three presenters conducted a talk session together about the future development of digital technology and changes in human society. Although their opinions and views differed, they demonstrated a shared understanding that the future direction of digital design’s development would be determined more by human adaptation and values than by the advance of artificial intelligence technology. We counted more than 100 participants as audience and it was certainly a stimulating academic event.

Text: Mihoko Oka (Associate professor)
Photo: Shogo Fukushima, Junko Taguchi (Assistant professors)
Proofreading: David Buist (Project senior specialist)

主担当教員Associated Faculty Members


暦本 純一
  • 総合分析情報学コース


  • Applied computer science course