東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III / GSII


June 27, 2019

令和2年度 学府 入試説明会 開催報告A Report on Orientation for the 2020 GSII Entrance Examination





次に藤本徹先生です。藤本先生は、ペンシルバニア州立大学大学院教授システム学で博士号を取られ、ゲーム学習、ゲーミフィケーションの分野の最先端で、人の学びや成長につながる「楽しい経験(Ludic Experience)」を創り出す学習コンテンツの開発や教育プログラムのデザイン方法論の研究に取り組まれています。ブース展示では、地域の魅力を再発見する課題にゲーム学習をどのように取り込むことができるか、といった学生からの質問に対して、実際に開発されたオンラインゲームやカードゲームを用いながら答えていらした様子が印象的でした。ゲーム学習は、学術分野として確立されつつある新しい領域です。学位取得者が国際的に増えるなかで、今後、日本の受け皿を広げるために力を尽くされるとのことです。



On June 8th, 2019, orientation for the 2019 entrance examination of the GSII (Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies) was held at Fukutake hall on Hongo campus. The atmosphere at the meeting was energetic, and more than 400 students participated.

Introduction to the GSII and its Courses
The dean and head of department gave opening speeches about Gakkan’s mission, structure, and the history of the courses. They especially talked about their ongoing interdisciplinary research in response to rapid social and technology change. The Chairpersons of each course introduced their course based on the terms of each course name, such as “design” and “human”.

Exhibition of Laboratories
An exhibition was held introducing the work of individual laboratories and faculty members in both the arts and sciences. This article highlights the work of several researchers who joined GSII this year.

First is Mr. Yuji Yamakawa. Professor Yamakawa has taught at the Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), The University of Tokyo, and has studied high-speed vision systems to expand the possibilities of robots. Currently, he is trying to apply his high-speed vision systems to enhance cooperation between robots and people. To achieve cooperation with people, robots need to recognize and operate faster than people, and his previous work is suitable for this application. In the future, he is seeking to realize high-speed vision systems that will enable robots to assist people with daily tasks and even augment human abilities in addition to cooperating with people .

Next is Lecturer Toru Fujimoto. He completed his graduate study at the Pennsylvania State University (Ph.D. in Instructional Systems). Focusing on Game-Based Learning and Gamification, he has been engaged in content development and program design that promotes “Ludic Experience” for learning and personal growth. In the exhibition, he answered questions from students on such topics as how game-based learning could be adopted for rediscovering values in local areas, using examples of recently developed online games and card games. His next challenge is to broaden the Japanese community in this research field, as the number of graduates grows internationally.

Text: Shogo Fukushima, Junko Taguchi (Assistant professors)
Photo: Shogo Fukushima, Junko Taguchi (Assistant professors)
Proofreading: David Buist (Project senior specialist)