東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III / GSII


February 8, 2018

2017 日韓台 シンポジウム「Media in Globalized Asia」(後編)2017 UT-SNU-NCCU Symposium “Media in Globalized Asia” (Part2)

2017年11月24〜25日、日韓台シンポジウム「Media in Globalized Asia」が福武ホールにて開催されました。東京大学(以下、東大)とソウル国立大学(以下、ソウル大)の間で20年以上にわたり、毎年開催されてきたこのシンポジウムは、昨年から国立政治大学(以下、政治大)が加わり、日本、韓国、台湾の三カ国による交流を展開しています。この記事では、2日間のうち初日の24日について前編・後編に分けてレポートします。

Student Poster Session






Soo-min KIM(ソウル大)、Xindi QIN(東大)、Yilin TSAI(政治大)、Dongwoo LIM(東大)の4人で構成されたグループは、写真館や画材店に入って話を聞きました。写真館の社長さんは、最近七五三の写真を多く撮っているというお話をされました。そして、自分が数十年かけて見てきた結果、最近の東大生たちはあまり聡明ではないという印象について語りました。一方、画材店の社長さんは東大生ついて、社会からの大きな期待をプレッシャーに感じているようで可哀想に思うと語られていました。このワークショップを企画し、ファシリテーターを務めた水越伸教授は、現実的、実践的に思考する “地に足のついた知性”の重要性について語りました。


Scholars from 3 Asian Top Communication Programs Met in Tokyo (中国語はこちら


The UT-SNU-NCCU Symposium “Media in Globalized Asia” was held at Fukutake Hall on November 24th and 25th, 2017. Originally held annually at the University of Tokyo (UT) and Seoul National University (SNU) for more than 20 years, the symposium is now exploring the potential of triangular interactions between Japan, Korea and Taiwan since National Chengchi University (NCCU) joined last year. This article is divided into two parts and reports the first day of the two-day symposium.

Student Poster Session

After the lunch break, a poster session in which students from all three universities presented their research was held. Unlike a typical academic poster session, each student was assigned a 10-minute time slot to give a presentation followed by another 10 minutes of questions and answers, thus combining the characteristics of a student conference presentation (like that held in previous years’ symposia) with a poster session.

21 students gave presentations: 9 from UT, 8 from SNU, and 4 from NCCU. Their topics were diverse, covering such fields as news media and reporting, social media and networks, gaming, film and television studies, public opinion, international relations, and women’s history. They took turns, three or four at a time, displaying their carefully prepared posters and speaking enthusiastically about their topics. Questions and answer sessions were also lively, with particularly keen participation by the visiting faculty members and students.

While some students were already used to speaking in English in public, for others it was a challenging first experience of communication with an international audience. Nevertheless, thanks to several weeks of preparation and their own determination, all succeeded in engaging with the audience and provoking questions and comments that will surely feedback positively into their future research.


After the poster session, students participated in the “UT Neighborhood Storytelling Workshop”. The mission of the workshop was to explore the area around the Hongo Campus to collect neighborhood stories and share them with other participants. Five groups were organized in total and each group visited a store to ask “what the best-selling item is” and “what image they have of students of the University of Tokyo”.

Among them, the second group consisting of Soo-min KIM (SNU), Xindi QIN (UT), Yilin TSAI (NCCU) and Dongwoo LIM (UT) stopped by at a photo shop and an art supply store. The shopkeeper of the photo shop said he was taking many pictures commemorating Shichi-Go-San, which is a traditional Japanese rite for children. He added that present-day students of the University of Tokyo are not as smart as they used to be, based on his experience for several decades. On the other hand, the storekeeper of the art supply store said that she felt pity for students of the University of Tokyo because they are feeling pressure from the too high expectations of the society. Prof. Shin Mizukoshi, designer and facilitator of the workshop spoke of the importance of intelligence with down-to-earth thinking.

(You can read Part1 from here)

Please also see the article from NCCU.
Scholars from 3 Asian Top Communication Programs Met in Tokyo (In Mandarin here)

Text: Lim Dongwoo (MA student), LIN Yi-Ren (PhD student), David Buist (Project senior specialist)
Photo: Rei Horikoshi (MA student), Kiyoko Toriumi (Project assistant professor)
Proofreading: David Buist, Kiyoko Toriumi, Shin Mizukoshi (Professor)

主担当教員Associated Faculty Members


非公開: 水越 伸
