August 31, 2023
レポート:学環・学府魔改造ワークショップReport: III/GSII MAKAIZO Workshop
記事・写真:柳 志旼(博士課程・編集部)
A workshop titled “Transforming (MAKAIZO) the III/GSII as a learning platform” was held as part of a four-day intensive course titled “Special Seminars in Cultural and Human Information Studies ⅩⅣ” from July 25th (Tue) to July 28th (Fri), 2023. This intensive course, conducted by Professor Shin Mizukoshi, a former faculty member of the III and currently a professor in the Faculty of Sociology at Kansai University, was designed to deepen learning through three workshops on the three dimensions of media: content, platforms, and infrastructure, under the theme of “The Future of Media and Literacy.” The workshop was held on the final day of the intensive course.
The participants were divided into four groups with 4 or 5 individuals each. Reflecting on the current state of the III/GSII, each group utilized various media to brainstorm new approaches. Among the participants were not only master’s and doctoral students but also international students and students from other research fields, enabling a diverse range of perspectives to be discussed.
During the final presentations, the ideas proposed by each group were as follows. While pointing out the lack of communication due to the impact of the pandemic, they passionately proposed innovative ideas for the III/GSII, with a deep sense of affection for the institution.
・The introduction of a new SNS service with a “cosmic” theme, designed inclusively for III/GSII
・The creation by students of a comprehensive overview representing the entirety of the III/GSII from the perspective of “Editing”, including a course catalog.
・Reimagining the current Fukutake Hall as a space inspired by concepts such as “Kitchen (=Lab)” and “Restaurant (=Place of Communication)”, nurturing an environment where ideas for research and communication can be sown and cultivated.
・Constructing a metaverse with “islands” for each laboratory not only facilitating communication among members of each laboratory, but also allowing users to visit other islands promoting communication throughout the graduate school.
Additionally, there were various other suggestions, such as completely eliminating certain courses, restructuring the lab introduction page on the official website, or increasing communication with the Undergraduate Research Student Program and Alumni.
After finishing the intensive course, Junya Okano, a master’s student, said he enjoyed engaging in the whole process almost to the point of mental and physical exhaustion. Another master’s student, Yui Watanabe, mentioned that the process of brainstorming enhanced her sense of being a member capable of shaping the III/GSII community.
With a variety of innovative suggestions for the official lll/GSII website and portal, the editorial team and others involved would like to value these opinions in the pursuit of further development for the III/GSII.
Text & Photo: Jimmine Yoo (Ph.D. Student/Editorial team)
English proofreading: David Buist (Project Senior Specialist)