東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


February 24, 2023

学際性の作り手としての学生 – 学府有志の交流団体Crossroadsの紹介-Students as Active Members of the Interdisciplinary Community: Crossroads, a Student-led Social Group in the GSII

私たちCrossroadsは2022年6月に発足した学府学生有志の交流団体です。Crossroadsの目標は「学環学府の中で、そして中と外の境界で人々が触れ合う『交差路』を生み出し、学際的な学びの土壌を作る」ことです。現在は主にコモンズを拠点として学府内での映画鑑賞会「Crossroads cinema」やITASIAとほかのコースの学生が持ち寄りのお菓子を囲む雑談・自習会「Snack chat」、修士研究の自主発表会「かってにプレ構想発表会」を行っています。







記事:加藤 亮介、佐伯 祐衣、大空 理人、山本 マクシミリアン拓馬(文化・人間情報学コース 修士課程)

“Crossroads” is a student-led social group of students in the GSII established in June 2022. Our goal is “to create ‘crossroads’ where people can interact both within our school and across the boundaries between our school and the outside and to create a community for interdisciplinary learning”. Our current activities include “Crossroads cinema,” a film-viewing group, “Snack chat,” a social group where students from ITASIA and other courses chat over snacks, and “Katte-ni pre-presentations for master students,” a student-led forum where master’s students present their research.

The launch of Crossroads dates back to a class in the spring semester which touched on the history of the III/GSII. We learned that when our school was established, students were able to deepen their friendships with each other and with professors without any borders between courses and research teams, but as our school has developed over the past 20 years and more, such interactions have faded away.

After the class a question arose in our minds: what can we do as students in order to bring back the interactions that once existed between courses? That was when Crossroads was born.

Our current activities are not limited to restoring the community as it was before the COVID-19 pandemic. We believe that daily interaction among students from different fields of study is necessary to create and maintain interdisciplinarity, a core value of all students in the GSII.

We are now aiming to offer activities that are unique to the GSII. On January 25, we held a film-viewing party “Japanese Studies by the U.S. during and after WW2” featuring a CIE film provided to us exclusively by Yoshimi Lab, and we had a deep discussion between international and Japanese students on Japan as seen from the U.S. perspective at the time.

Our activities still only have a small impact. However, our community has given impetus for interaction among students from different courses which they would have hesitated to initiate on their own.

Please look forward to the future activities of Crossroads.

Text: Ryosuke Kato, Yui Saeki, Masato Ohsora, Maximillian Takuma Yamamoto (Master’s students, Cultural and Human Information Studies Course)
English proofreading: David Buist (Project Senior Specialist)