February 9, 2023
コロナ禍で「ゼミ合宿」はどうなった? What happened to "study retreats" during the pandemic?
(English summary follows Japanese text/抄訳は和文に続きます)
合宿再開 ー 普段のゼミにはない交流の機会
ハイブリッド集中ゼミ・研究会 ー 新たな学びの形を取り入れる
Study retreats, or “gasshuku”, have long been a familiar part of academic life at many Japanese universities. During these intensive sessions, students and faculty live together at off-campus residential facilities and engage in various joint activities, such as giving research presentations, reading the literature and socializing. Even before the pandemic, there was already concern that this tradition may have been fading out. Since the pandemic began three years ago, however, many students have not had the opportunity to participate in any study retreats at all.
The pandemic has severely restricted opportunities for interaction within the university community. Study retreats are a valuable antidote to this, and some faculty-student groups have been keen to revive this tradition. This article describes some of the study retreats and similar events held recently in the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies.
Reviving study retreats
In early September last year, members of Prof. Yuhei Yamauchi’s laboratory held a two-day retreat at Lake Yamanaka in Yamanashi Prefecture. The first day was devoted to presentations and discussions on major studies in the fields of psychology, learning science and education. On the second day, the participants created a map of the different research fields they had reviewed on the previous day and placed themselves on that map, allowing them to find connections among themselves and overcome the isolation caused by focusing on individual topics. They were also able to socialize around a bonfire in the evening, taking advantage of the outdoor environment, and discuss matters not usually covered in seminars on campus, such post-graduation career plans.
In the same month, members of Prof. Hiroshi Kainuma’s laboratory gathered at Spa Resort Hawaiians in Iwaki, Fukushima Prefecture. Besides presenting and discussing their research plans, the two-day event enabled the participants to interact informally in ways not typically possible on campus, especially during the pandemic.
Alternative formats
Some laboratories were not able to hold their usual retreats and organized alternative events instead.
For example, members of Prof. Osamu Sakura’s laboratory held a series of study meetings and writing groups. Instead of the typical two-day retreat, they held two intensive seminars on separate days in Fukutake Hall using a hybrid online-offline format. Despite the scheduling advantage of this format, those meeting in person were able to participate to an extent not enjoyed by those joining online.
Members of Prof. Yoshiyuki Niwa’s laboratory held a two-day intensive hybrid seminar where second-year master’s students presented their research plans. While this did enable longer interactions between students and faculty, this campus-based event could not quite live up to the weight and significance typically enjoyed by an off-campus retreat.
Members of Prof. Jun Yamana’s laboratory held a series of five-hour hybrid seminars in June, October and December (on the first days of each term). The participants, who included undergraduates as well as graduate students, each gave 30-minute reports on the progress of their research. The ensuing free discussion and feedback allowed the participants to improve the quality of their studies. Before the pandemic, they had held retreats in Hiroshima and invited researchers from overseas. Since the start of the pandemic, they each created their own Slack channels where they could inform each other about the progress of their individual research projects.
These are just a few examples of how students and faculty have responded to the restrictions brough about by the pandemic and attempted to make up for what may have been lost due to the discontinuation of study retreats. The future of study retreats is still unclear. Whatever happens, it can be expected that no effort will be spared to enhance learning and research in the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies.
Organized by the Web & Newsletter editorial team
Text: Hiroshi Kainuma (Associate Professor)
English summary: David Buist (Project Senior Specialist)
Special thanks to: Ryosuke Kato (Yamauchi Lab), Takumi Kaneko (Kainuma Lab), Huh Duim (Sakura Lab), Haruka Maeda (Sakura Lab), Misato Okada(Niwa Lab), Yui Saeki(Yamana Lab)