東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


May 31, 2022

オンライン講座「ゲーム学習論入門 (1):ゲームの遊びの中の学び」の紹介Launch of Online Course: “Introduction to Game-based Learning (1): Learning in Gameplay” by LudixLab

藤本研究室(LudixLab)は、教育工学を学術基盤として、人の学びや成長につながる「意味ある遊び」と「楽しい学び」を融合するゲーム学習(Game-based learning)のデザイン方法やゲーミフィケーションを取り入れた学習支援環境、ゲームの遊びの中の学びの研究に取り組んでいます。

この度、オンライン講座「ゲーム学習論入門 (1):ゲームの遊びの中の学び」を新たに開講しました。ゲームやゲーミフィケーションの手法を導入したい教育者、教材開発者、教育の場でゲームデザインの経験を生かしたいゲーム開発者の方が主な対象ですが、このテーマに関心のある方はどなたでも無料で受講できます。







教育的観点からのゲームレビュー(2022年3月版) 公開のお知らせ


Fujimoto Lab. (LudixLab) is conducting research on design methodologies for game-based learning that integrates “meaningful play” and “playful learning” leading to learning and growth, learning support environments that incorporate gamification, and learning through gameplay.

Recently, LudixLab launched an online course, “Introduction to Game-based Learning (1): Learning in Gameplay”. The course is mainly aimed at educators who want to introduce games and gamification methods into their classes, developers of educational materials, and game developers who want to use their game design experience in an educational setting, but anyone interested in the topic is welcome to attend for free.

Those taking the course will learn fundamental knowledge and deepen their understanding of learning in gameplay.

The goal of the course is to provide a conceptual understanding of the nature of learning surrounding gameplay, to deepen understanding of the relationship between behavior in games and learning, and to actually conduct a game review so that the participants can choose and enjoy games with even greater confidence than before.

The course is organized into four sections, each with confirmation quizzes and exercise assignments. Those fulfilling all the assignments will be issued study certification badges that certify completion of the course. Different badges will be awarded according to the degree to which the assignments are tackled .

Quest 1: Reflect on your gaming experience
Quest 2: Understand the different nature of learning
Quest 3: Evaluate the nature of learning during gameplay
Quest 4: Game Review Comprehensive Exercise

As this course is designated as “Game-based Learning (1)”, we plan to offer a sequel in the future. It is designed so that those with time to spare can work on it as much as time allows and aim to earn a high-level badge. All those interested are welcome to participate!

This course was conducted as part of a joint research project with Aeon Fantasy Co., Ltd. on “Development of support programs to connect diverse digital gameplay to learning”. We will continue to provide the results of our collaborative research to society at large.

Announcing the launch of an online course and manual on how to register
Notice of Release: Game Review from an Educational Perspective (March 2022 Edition)

Text & Photo: Sawako Nii (Project academic specialist)
English proofreading: David Buist (Project senior specialist)

主担当教員Associated Faculty Members


藤本 徹
  • 文化・人間情報学コース

Associate Professor

  • Cultural and human information studies course