東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


December 6, 2021

【研究紹介】ゲームの遊びと学びの境界領域の研究(藤本徹准教授)Research on the boundary between game play and learning (Associate Professor FUJIMOTO, Toru)

藤本研究室(LudixLab)は、教育工学を学術基盤として、人の学びや成長につながる「意味ある遊び」と「楽しい学び」を融合するゲーム学習(Game-based learning)のデザイン方法やゲーミフィケーションを取り入れた学習支援環境、ゲームの遊びの中の学びの研究に取り組んでいます。研究室の研究活動事例として、今年度から開始した2つの研究プロジェクトをご紹介します。




Fujimoto Lab. (LudixLab) conducts research on design methodologies of game-based learning, which integrates “meaningful play” and “playful learning” that lead to learning and growth, learning support environments that incorporate gamification, and learning through game play. We would like to introduce two research projects that we started this year.

The Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research project “Research on Interaction Models of Engagement Factors that Enhance Eagerness to Learn in Online Learning (Basic Research (B))” is a project to develop a method to increase learning engagement by incorporating gamification, with the aim of supporting learners who have difficulties in online learning environments. We are developing and evaluating a method to increase learning engagement by incorporating gamification. We aim to establish a method of introducing learning behavior and supporting continued learning that differs from conventional learning support approaches by combining elements such as game mechanics, task presentation methods, and reward systems. The results of this research will contribute to the development of an attractive online learning environment and support for continuing learning for learners who have difficulty in online classes, which have spread rapidly due to COVID-19.

The joint research project with Aeon Fantasy Co., Ltd. on “Development of support programs to connect diverse digital game play to learning” will focus on popular digital game titles, including evaluation of content and play styles that contribute to learning and growth, production of learning programs and instructional guides to be introduced in classes and extracurricular activities, and development of support methods. Collaborating with “Game College Lv99”, an online school operated by Aeon Fantasy, we will make the results of our research available to the wider society.

Text:Toru Fujimoto (Associate professor)
English proofreading:David Buist(Project senior specialist)

主担当教員Associated Faculty Members


藤本 徹
  • 文化・人間情報学コース

Associate Professor

  • Cultural and human information studies course