November 5, 2021
教育部ホームカミングデイ(自主ゼミ中間発表会/同窓会交流会・キャリア相談会開催)Research Students’ Homecoming Day Event
記事:森下 瑠里花(情報学環教育部 自治会長)
On October 16th 2021 (Saturday), a Homecoming Day event for the University of Tokyo III Undergraduate Research Student Program was held online. Research students gave midterm presentations for their independent research groups in the morning, and the alumni and students joined a social event and career session in the afternoon. The event was held for the first time in two years and was therefore much awaited, having been cancelled last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the year before due to a typhoon.
In the midterm presentations, each group reported on the progress of their research, current issues, and future research plans. The independent research seminar is a program that allows students to submit reports on their independent research group activities for course credit. This year, seven groups have been formed, exploring a wide range of topics such as gender, community, television, the Internet, SDGs, journalism, and education. The range of expertise of the professors, alumni, and current students who participated in the event was also very wide. We invited Prof. Shunsuke Kamijo, Chair of the Undergraduate Research Program, Prof. Shinichi Sakai, Prof. Yoshiyuki Niwa and Associate Prof. Naoya Sekiya, and had a lively Q&A and discussion.
After a greeting by Yoichi Serikawa, president of the alumni association and editorial fellow of the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, the participants were divided into small groups, regardless of their age or year of enrollment, and engaged in conversations based on their interests. In addition, young alumni gave job-hunting advice to current students.
The Homecoming Day was a very meaningful event that will be useful for the students’ future research activities and for their own lives. The research students’ community will continue to work with the cooperation of professors and the alumni association to ensure that the research student program’s alumni network endures for many years to come.
Text: Rurika Morishita (President of the Research Students’ Community of the III Undergraduate Research Student Program)
主担当教員Associated Faculty Members
上條 俊介
- 先端表現情報学コース
- 情報学環教育部
Associate Professor
KAMIJO, Shunsuke
- Emerging design and informatics course
- Undergraduate research student program