October 21, 2021
ホームカミングデイHomecoming Day
On October 16th 2021 (Saturday), we held a panel discussion for the University of Tokyo Homecoming Day with the title “Crossing Borders in Learning, Research and Careers.” This was held in conjunction with a university-wide public relations program aimed at supporting the career choices of female junior and senior high-school students. The panel discussion consisted of two parts and involved a diverse array of participants with past or present ties to the Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies (III).
Following an opening address by Prof. Yuhei Yamauchi, Dean of the III, the first session began with two presentations by Assoc. Prof. Riina Toya and doctoral student Yoko Fujishima. Assoc. Prof. Toya is affiliated to the Institute of Industrial Sciences at the University of Tokyo and is currently teaching and conducting research and thesis supervision in the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies (GSII). Ms. Fujishima is continuing her research on fashion at a private company while also studying in the GSII. After each had introduced their current activities, lively discussion ensued under the moderation of Assoc. Prof. Yasuaki Kakehi and Assist. Prof. Eiko Matsuda. The discussion focused especially on the issues of how to cross borders between the university world and the society beyond and what can be gained from such activities.
The panelists in the second part were Erika Kobayashi and Anju Niwata. Ms. Kobayashi obtained her Master’s degree from the GSII and is currently active as a writer and creator of manga. Ms. Niwata is currently an undergraduate student in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Tokyo. While she was a high school student, Ms. Niwata was involved in a project called “Rebooting Memory” led by Prof. Hidenori Watanave of the III. After each had introduced their current work, discussion took place under the moderation of Assoc. Prof. Hiroshi Kainuma on crossing borders of time and methods of expression, the intersection of individual interests with the work of the III, and ways of dealing with the “unknown.”
The event took place online and the total number of participants was somewhere in the region of 120 to 130.
Text:Hiroshi Kainuma(Associate Professor)
English translation:David Buist (Senior Project Specialist)
Photos:Hidenori Watanave(Professor),Setsuko KAMIYA(Project Assistant Professor)