東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


July 30, 2021

【研究紹介】谷根千地域での地震観測と情報伝達:観測データに基づく都市防災情報(酒井慎一教授)Seismic observation and information communication in the Ya-Ne-Sen area (Prof. SAKAI Shinichi)






It is important to provide accurate information to reduce accidents caused by natural phenomena such as earthquakes. We have installed many seismometers in an area densely and have begun an experiment to obtain information automatically. We have developed seismometers that can be simply installed by inserting into a domestic electrical outlet allowing information to be collected in real time through the internet. Because these seismometers are installed directly in a building, they make it possible to measure the shaking of the building itself, thus enabling more precise estimation of damage. This information is important when deciding how to behave after an earthquake.

Seismometers of the outlet type have so far been installed at 6 locations in the Ya-Ne-Sen* area. Some seismometers have also been installed in the ground around these locations and observation is being continued for comparison. By knowing the actual level of shaking in our homes and local neighborhoods, instead of relying only on the information provided by broadcast media, we will be able to engage in more appropriate evacuation behavior.

*The area covering Yanaka, Nezu and Sendagi in Tokyo’s Bunkyo and Taito wards.

Text: Shinichi Sakai (Professor)
English proofreading: David Buist (Senior project specialist)

主担当教員Associated Faculty Members


酒井 慎一
  • 総合分析情報学コース
  • 情報学環教育部


SAKAI, Shinichi
  • Applied computer science course
  • Undergraduate research student program