東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


June 7, 2021

B’AI Global Forumのリサーチ・アシスタントによる研究会「BAIRAL」BAIRAL: Study Group Organized by the Research Assistants of the B’AI Global Forum

BAIRAL(B’AI RA League)は、B’AI Global Forumという研究プロジェクトのリサーチ・アシスタントが主体となって、月に一回のペースで開催している研究会です。

2020年7月、東京大学とソフトバンクは、共同でAIテクノロジーを包括的に研究する「Beyond AI研究推進機構」という組織を立ち上げました。この組織の「AIと社会」部門の中にあるB’AI Global Forumは、AI時代における情報テクノロジーとジェンダーやマイノリティの関係を考え、課題を発見し、解決に向けた提言をしています。こうしたB’AIの活動の一環として、私たちBAIRALは毎月様々なゲストスピーカーの方をお呼びし、情報テクノロジーと社会の関係について理論・実践の両側面から検討しています。AIに関する最先端の取り組みについて学び、議論するだけでなく、様々な専門分野の若手研究者をつなぐ、開かれたネットワークを構築することがBAIRALの目的です。




BAIRAL (B’AI RA League) is a monthly study group organized by research assistants of a research project called B’AI Global Forum.

In July 2020, the University of Tokyo in cooperation with Softbank launched the Institute for AI and Beyond, which comprehensively researches AI technology from various perspectives. As part of the AI and Society section of this organization, the B’AI Global Forum thinks about gender and minorities along with their relationship with information technology in the AI era, identifying problems and puting forward recommendations for solutions. As part of these activities, we, BAIRAL, invite a variety of guest speakers every month and examine the relationship between information technology and society from both theoretical and practical perspectives. Our aim is not only to learn and discuss the latest efforts regarding information technology but also to build an open network of young researchers in various fields.

In January 2021, for example, we invited Yosuke Suzuki of Nikkei America and Issei Mori, an intern at Nikkei America, to introduce the AIJO project (a team of eight news organizations) and discuss with us the detection of gender bias in news articles using AI, its background, and the issues it raises. For the next meeting, we invited Mao Nishiguchi, a special researcher in the Graduate School of Engineering at the University of Tokyo. He explained examples of the application of state-of-the-art AI technology (e.g. its utilization to solve online bullying) and their challenges and practical solutions. In the Q&A session, we discussed the potential, limitations, and problems of AI in solving social problems.

We plan to continue to hold a study meeting every month. The next event is scheduled for June 28th, which will discuss crowd-sourcing geographic information systems and diversity in society. The details will be announced on B’AI’s website.

Text: Hiroki Kato (PhD student), Akira Tanaka (PhD student), Dongwoo Lim (PhD student)
English Proofreading:David Buist (Project senior specialist)