東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


May 31, 2021

【研究紹介】商業施設の時空間データを利用した研究(貞広幸雄教授)Analysis of spatiotemporal point data of commercial facilities (Professor SADAHIRO Yukio)

当研究室では近年、図1のような商業施設の時空間データを利用した研究を多く手懸けています。このデータには,1995~2020年の期間に存在した商業施設について、住所、業種、開閉業年月が記録されています。これを住所照合によってポイント・データに変換し、GIS(Geographic Information System:地理情報システム)に取り込むことで地図上に可視化、分析を行うことができます。



紫色 :出退店共に高頻度
橙色 :出店は高頻度,退店は低頻度
青色 :出店は低頻度,退店は高頻度






We recently utilized spatiotemporal point data of commercial facilities, such as shown in Figure 1. We have a list of commercial facilities from 1995 to 2020 in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo. Geocoding of the addresses generates spatial point data, which serve as a basis for quantitative spatial analysis in a GIS (Geographic Information System).

One application of the data is to analyze the appearance and disappearance of points over time. The study aims to develop measures for evaluating the frequencies of appearances and disappearances. One possible measure that can serve this purpose is the ratio of events to points calculated in each lattice cell. This measure, however, cannot distinguish between the disappearance of 1 out of 2 points and that of 1000 out of 2000 points. Whereas the former can easily happen by chance, the latter implies the occurrence of a major problem. To resolve this, we developed a new method for analyzing the appearance and disappearance of points. The method is based on the likelihood of appearances and disappearances under a random situation, thus avoiding the problem mentioned above.

We applied the method to the analysis of the openings and closures of commercial facilities in Shibuya-ku. Figures 2-4 show the distributions of the proposed measures calculated for clothing stores, restaurants, and clinics, respectively.

Purple: Frequent openings and closures
Light green: Infrequent openings and closures
Orange: Frequent openings and infrequent closures
Blue: Infrequent openings and frequent closures

Openings and closures are both frequent around Shibuya station in all the figures. Interestingly, openings and closures are infrequent in the immediate vicinity of Shibuya station in Figure 3. This is because many old and traditional restaurants in this area have long-term support from loyal customers. Existing methods cannot provide these findings, thus supporting the effectiveness of the proposed method.

The above is one example of the applications of spatiotemporal point data of commercial facilities. Spatiotemporal point data have rapidly become available due to the development of new data acquisition tools. Analysis of such data, on the other hand, has not yet been discussed extensively. Methods for analyzing spatiotemporal data need to be developed to reveal the underlying structure of spatiotemporal point patterns.



Text:Yukio Sadahiro (Professor)
English proofreading:David Buist (Senior project specialist)

主担当教員Associated Faculty Members


貞広 幸雄
  • 総合分析情報学コース


  • Applied computer science course