東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


May 10, 2021

2020年度末オンライン座談会:M1&M2に聞く『コロナ禍の学府生活』2020 Academic year-end online roundtable: Life as a GSII master’s student during the COVID-19 Pandemic”


Some of those who participated in the survey titled “Life as a GSII master’s student during the COVID-19 pandemic” joined in an online roundtable on March 26, organized by the editorial team of the III/GSII website and newsletter. Here is the report on the bilingual roundtable, where participants from different courses reflected on the academic year 2020. We are still nowhere near the end of the pandemic, but we hope that our experiences during these extraordinary times will somehow lead to new innovations. (Website & Newsletter Editorial Team)

[English text will follow the Japanese text]

座談会参加メンバー (学年は2021年3月26日現在)








つらかったのは「人との交流が減ったこと」- オンラインで忙しくなった人も

– 2020年度は、みなさんの多くがパンデミックとともに学府での院生生活を始めたり、あるいは就職活動をしつつ修論を書くなど、前代未聞の年でした。1年を振り返って、一番困ったこと、大変だったことは何ですか?














– 一方で、コロナのおかげで新たな発見があったこと、ボジティブに捉えられたことがあれば教えてください。












– 就活のことについてもう少し伺います。説明会や面接が全部オンラインになって良かった面もあるとのことですが、逆に難しかったことはどんなことですか?




今後学府に期待すること – 学生向けの情報共有のあり方と、図書館資料へのよりよいアクセス

– 2020年度はなにかと急いでバタバタと対応せざるをえなかったことが多かったですが、この4月以降はもう少し学環・学府に学生のために改善してほしい、というようなことがあれば教えてください。







– みなさんのご意見はこの座談会のレポートでお伝えし、教職員の方々にも参考にしていただけるようにしたいと思います。






Roundable participants (Status as of March 26, 2021):

Mr. Hirotaka Hiraki: Applied computer science course. His interest is in human-computer interaction, focusing on silent speech interfaces. 2nd year master’s student from April.

Mr. Yuchi Yahagi: Emerging design and informatics course. His interest is developing tools for creators working in remote settings. 2nd year master’s student from April.

Ms. Charisia Ong: ITASIA program. Her interest is communication theory and its implications for government outreach to the public. She has been attending classes from Singapore as she is still waiting for the Japanese government to restart issuing visas.

Ms. Jimmine Yoo: Socio-information and communication studies course. Her research interest is TV commercials. Doctoral student from April.

Mr. Naoto Maegawa: Cultural and human information studies course. Studied in the field of sociometry. Joined an IT firm in April.

Ms. Sabah Merchant: ITASIA program. Her master’s thesis theme is on the representation and value of the idea of “gambaru” in contemporary sports manga.

Kayoung Kim (Project researcher), Setsuko Kamiya (Project assistant professor)


Lack of in-person communication has been the hardest

– The academic year 2020 began almost simultaneously with the pandemic for most of you, and you had to adjust to the situation while attending classes, job searching and writing your theses. What has been the most difficult thing to deal with?

MAEGAWA: The hardest thing for me has been the absence of meeting people in person. In my first year, there were many opportunities to speak about research with my friends and colleagues at the lab or the Commons, and that actually helped polish our research. But such opportunities diminished in my 2nd year. Even though I was able to complete my thesis, I feel that I could have done better (if those opportunities had existed in my 2nd year). The fact that I couldn’t meet my family and old friends for a long time was also mentally challenging.

YOO: The lack of socializing with people has been difficult for me as well. I haven’t been able to see my friends, nor have I been able to visit my family in Korea for over a year. I stayed home alone and felt so isolated. It was quite difficult, and I wasn’t sure until summer if I would be really able to write up my master’s thesis.

MERCHANT: I think the biggest thing was not being able to socialize with other people. ITASIA Program starts in September, and the pandemic just hit after my first semester. When you are an exchange student, you’re not that fluent with the language and so it takes a while to settle in. The end of the first semester was when I finally picked up some proficiency in Japanese, and I was starting to get to know my classmates. We were just about to start our elective class, where I could interact more with my classmates. But because all the classes shifted online, there was little chance to interact with my class. My research actually didn’t get affected that much because it is entirely text based, and most of it was going to be conducted online.

There was a lot of confusion, especially in April to May last year, regarding how safe it is to go out or interact with people. I ended up not leaving my dormitory very much until the end of June. That significantly affected my mental health, and for the first time my life it affected my academic performance. I was able to start picking things up as the second year began. Even though I wasn’t able to interact as much, I still took the chance of my monthly seminars and interacted with my advisors and fellow students. I also started going out a little more and started coming back to campus. So far, the A semesters of the 2nd year were better than the S semesters of my first year. I was able to rally back in terms of academics and my research. I was able to clear a level of my Japanese proficiency test.

ONG: The ITASIA program allows people from different fields to come to learn media and communications, and it doesn’t require you to have a lot of background. As someone who doesn’t have background in history, the media, communication and all these theories… I needed to read. For example, we had to learn a module in the history of Asia. If you don’t have a background in history, you have to read extensively to write a term paper relatively well. But because I’m in Singapore and don’t have any physical access to the library books, I had to do my research online. Unfortunately, the online resources of Univ. of Tokyo are not very comprehensive, and so when writing my term papers, I had difficulty in trying to understand the background. For example, I had to write a paper on the history of the partition of India. I was interested in it because of the lectures, but all the readings I needed to do to really understand the different perspective of history, they were not available online on the catalog. That was the same for other questions for the term paper.

Not having access to physical resources at the library really affected me, especially in my first year. I was afraid that this situation would affect my grades. Without having access to physical resources, how can you show that you have done enough research? I had to rely on my contacts who are studying in universities in Singapore to see if they can help me access physical libraries.

HIRAKI: I also feel that I didn’t have much opportunity to talk to people. During my undergraduate years, there were many occasions where conversations with others would lead to an idea for research. I guess online doesn’t seem to allow that sort of thing to happen. In terms of my research, my field involves creating devices and testing them with equipment, so I can’t really do anything if I don’t go to the lab. Working remotely made it difficult to come up with a good research topic.

YAHAGI: I became really busy. One of the reasons was because I decided to take all my necessary credits during the S semesters, so it became classes after classes. And then, I had tons of online meetings for my classes, labs and other things. There were many occasions where two meetings were planned for the same time period. I was so busy to the extent that I would even forget my schedule. I also worked as a “common supporter” for the university and helped people attend online classes smoothly, so that role made me busy as well.

Regarding my research, I also had to go to the lab, but because my temperature is usually a bit high and I tend to have a runny nose all the time, I sometimes got rejected by the heath check form and couldn’t enter campus even if I wanted to.


The benefits of going online during the pandemic

– Meanwhile, were there anything positive that you found in this situation?

HIRAKI: I’m glad to be able to take some classes via recordings. This allowed me to not only listen to class real time, but I also got to watch them in double speed, and that helped me save time. It also allowed me to listen to the recording while on the move.

YOO: In my first year, I took a few classes at Komaba Campus, but because of the physical distance of the campuses, I couldn’t take other classes at Hongo Campus right after those classes. I also felt tired after going to Komaba. But this year, because all classes were on Zoom, it didn’t matter where the classes were held. I didn’t hesitate taking a class from Komaba during the S semesters.

ONG: My experience is more personal. After I found out that I was admitted to the ITASIA program in January, I also found out that I was expecting. Having the option to attend classes online meant I could give birth in Singapore and be with a support system while attending classes. My semester started in September, and I gave birth in October and I could still attend classes. I could attend lessons from the hospital while taking care of my baby. To be able to turn off my video meant that I could take care of my baby while I was listening to lectures. The alternative reality without Covid would be that I would have had to go to Japan a few months earlier to prepare to give birth, and I would probably had to miss a few classes after giving birth and then, and I would probably have had to struggle to take care of my child while attending classes without support.

One good thing about Covid, at least for me, is that it enables us to do more things than if we had to do things face to face. Especially for females, because we have the child bearing responsibilities. I personally experienced this. Because of online learning, my husband was able to experience the growth of our baby in the first six months, as opposed to being apart. And I had strong family support from my parents in Singapore so I was able to go through my S1/S2 semester. It was difficult, but it would probably have been even more difficult if I was in Japan. It allowed me to start my studies on time. Without Covid I might have had to delay starting the ITASIA program.

YAHAGI: Because I couldn’t come to campus for some time, I decided to buy engineering equipment that are necessary for my research, especially a 3D printer. Without the pandemic I’m sure I would have used one of the many in our lab. It takes about 24 hours to print one item with 3D computers, so it used to be that I would push the start button and leave the lab, so I wasn’t able to observe the printing process. But now I get to observe how it’s going when I want to, even late at night, so it’s great that I got to see how minor printing errors are processed.

MERCHANT: One thing that this pandemic has affected my world view for the better, is my view of human relationships and connections. I value them a lot more now. I went back to India at the end of last year for a couple of months. I have a tendency to stay in my room whenever I go home, but this time, my parents said, “Sabah, you are spending more time with us now. You’re not staying in your room all the time!” That’s because I spent so much time abroad without having people to interact. I value the people in my life more and the chances that I can interact with my family.

One of the advantages of online seminars and job searches is that you can access from anywhere as long as you have internet access. I am also job searching, and in January and February, I attended a couple of job fairs held online from my own room in India. The only issue was time zone, but that isn’t anyone’s control. I could still participate and ask questions. With physical job fairs with a large number of companies, you can go to different booths and talk to them at your own pace. With online job fairs there is a limited time to attend individual sessions and Q&A sessions, and you can only speak to a few companies. But other than that, shifting a lot of things to online makes it very convenient.

It’s not just job fairs but conferences and speaker sessions. My undergraduate university organized a few guest lectures and seminars online for everyone, but normally, those were held in person. Because they shifted to online, I was able to attend from Japan and receive learning. Making events online makes it a lot easier. You can have a lot more people as audience and as speakers themselves. They don’t have to travel and can join in from wherever they are in the world. A lot of these activities, talks, and events are now more accessible to a lot more people.

MAEGAWA: I really appreciate that online has brought down geographical barriors. For example, during my job search, it used to be that I would visit the office of a company that I’m applying to and participate in an interview. But because of the pandemic I can attend an online interview from my computer in my house, so it spared the time to travel, and it made it much easier to make appointments with multiple companies. Online interviews were full of challenges, but I regard this part of the situation as very positive.

On the research front, I’m grateful that it’s become so much easier to attend symposiums. Previously, I had to think hard if it was really worth paying the cost of going back and forth between Tokyo and Osaka just to attend a 2-hour symposium. But now, since many such events are held on Zoom, I can just participate with just a click. And I can even watch the event while I’m on the move. It’s become really convenient. Of course, there are things like experiments using equipment at the lab that just can’t be conducted online. But the fact that things are now being planned with the premise that people are taking part from different places is a major development.

– You mentioned the positive side of online job search. What was the challenging side of it?

MAEGAWA: One thing that really bothered me was where I should be looking when I’m speaking. Am I supposed to look at the eyes of the person speaking on the Zoom screen, or should I look into the camera while I speak (so it’ll look as if I’m directly looking at them)? I think I was looking at the eyes of the person on the screen, but then, I knew that from the interviewee, it would look as if I wasn’t looking at him or her. I kept wondering if it would give a bad impression if I didn’t look like I was looking them in the eye. I was actually nervous that I would fail the interview because of this.

Another thing is that, with in-person interviews, you can kind of sense that you are giving a good impression to the interviewer from the atmosphere, but you don’t have that with online interviews. The only clue is that person’s face on the screen, but it’s really difficult to know how they are feeling about my comments. I’m really happy that I got a job offer in the end, but I was never able to understand how to deal with all these issues, and I still have difficulty finding the right words to explain it to my juniors.


Seeking improvements for information sharing and better access to library resources

– Everything had to be adjusted to the situation in haste during the academic year 2020. As we enter the new academic year, what changes would you like to see from the III/GSII for the students?

YOO: We used to be able to exchange information at the Commons, but since we’ve shifted to online, it’s become really difficult to get information. It wasn’t clear who I should seek information from, especially when the physical office of the student affairs division was closed for some time. I also became confused because there were times when some information was carried by the portal site while other information was on the official website, and I kept having to go back and forth. I’m hoping that this system will be reviewed.

Slack was helpful, but several people around me didn’t know that we had started using it. I first heard from a friend in the Emerging design and information studies course, but while people in that course seemed to know more about its existence, more people in the Social-information and communication studies course and Cultural and human information studies course weren’t aware of it, or still haven’t joined it.

MAEGAWA: I also felt the same way about the inconsistent information flow from the portal site, e-mails and Slack. Some info came only from Slack, only the portal site and only via e-mails, and I wasn’t sure which media I should be following. Of course, you should check all three, but it’s not always possible to do that. I also didn’t realize that we had a Slack channel for GSII until a certain point. If we’re going to use different media, information should be shared equally among them to some level, in case some students don’t have access to one of the media. It’s good to introduce a convenient system, but there was a difference of information among them. I hope the situation will improve so students don’t have to experience the confusion that we dealt with.

YOO: Another thing is that I hope that the reservation system for the library will be eased. I was frustrated that we had to wait one day – it used to be three days in the first half of the year – before we could access the books. Of course, there are books that you schedule to read, but there were times while writing my thesis that I just had to access a certain book now but had to wait for three operating days. I used to use the III Library pretty regularly but during my second year I resorted to the Main Library. I hope that the III/GSII Library will stop being reservation only and we’ll be able to enter the stacks without prior reservation.

MAEGAWA: Because my research was data analysis, I didn’t have to use the library as much as those who worked on text analysis. But still, the library is very important and I also hope that the reservation system will be eased. One of my friends, because he couldn’t access the books right away, decided to visit the National Diet Library only to find that he needed to make reservations there as well, and this was around November and December. I realize that it depends on the state of the pandemic, but I do hope that there will be some changes in the rule, because it’s affecting research activities.


– Thank you for your valuable comments. We’ll share them in the report of today’s roundtable so that the professors and staff at GSII will be able to refer to them.

Thank you so much for participating today.


Organized by the Website & Newsletter editorial team
Text: Kayoung Kim (Project researcher)
Text & Translation: Setsuko Kamiya (Project assistant professor)
English proofreading: David Buist (Senior project specialist)