March 31, 2021
「M1&M2に聞く『コロナ禍の学府生活』」アンケート結果(後編)"Life as a master's student at GSII during the COVID-19 pandemic" survey results (Part 2)
Part 2 of the survey results cover responses to questions regarding the pandemic’s influence on research, master’s thesis and future plans, as well as everyday life. (You can read Part 1 from here)
研究/修論/進路について On research/master’s thesis/future plans
要旨・Gist of the findings:
- コロナの影響については、M1/M2ともに研究を進めたり修論を書く上での「心理状態」にあるとの答えがM1(61.8%)、M2(66.7%)と最も多かった。
- M1では「研究スケジュール」(47.1%)、「研究方法」(41.2%) 、「研究テーマ」(26.5%)と続いた。
- M2では「執筆スケジュール」(52.4%)、「研究方法」(42.9%)と続いたが、「修論のテーマ」への影響は9.5%。
- M1と比べてM2の「テーマ」への影響が少なかったのは、修論のテーマを変えずに、コロナ禍でもできる研究方法を模索したり、スケジュールを調整した方が多かったと推測される。逆にM1は最初からテーマの変更を迫られている人がいるともいえる。
- 特に影響がない人も一定の割合いる(M1 20.6%、M2 19%) 。
- When working on their research/thesis, respondents felt that the greatest impact of the pandemic was on their mental state (M1 61.8%, M2 66.7 %)
- For M1 students, this is followed by research schedule (47.1%), research method (41.2%) and research topic (26.5%)
- For M2 students, this is followed by thesis writing schedule (52.4%) and research method (42.9%), but research topic was small (9.5%)
- Most M2 students maintained their research topic but have readjusted their methods and schedule, but some M1 students are having to change their research topic from the start of the program due to the pandemic.
- Some 20.6 percent of M1 students and 19 percent of M2 students have not seen any impact of the pandemic on their research/master’s thesis.
Q13-①:(M1へ)新型コロナ感染拡大が研究に影響を及ぼしていますか?(複数回答可)/ (To M1) Has the pandemic affected your research activities? (multiple choice)
In a multiple-choice question regarding the pandemic’s influence on research activities, 61.8% said it “affected them mentally as they worked on their research.” For another 47.1% the pandemic “affected their research schedule”, while another 41.2% said their research methods were affected. Some 26.5% said they changed their research topic due to the pandemic. Meanwhile, 20.6% said their research was not affected.
Q13-②:(M2へ) 新型コロナ感染拡大が修論に影響を及ぼしましたか?(複数回答可)/ (To M2) Has the pandemic affected your master’s thesis?
How has the pandemic impacted master’s theses? To this multiple-choice question, 66.7% said it affected them mentally, while another 52.4% said it changed their writing schedule, and 42.9% changed their research methods. Some 9.5% said it changed the topic of their thesis. Meanwhile, 19% said the pandemic had no impact.
Q14: Q13で「特に影響はない」以外を選んだ方のみ、具体的な影響の内容をご自由に述べてください。/Please elaborate your response to the previous question.
How exactly did the pandemic affect the research activities of M1 students? Several respondents commented that they were deprived of the opportunity to engage in discussions with professors and colleagues within the lab. One respondent also mentioned that he/she barely had any opportunity to talk about his/her research with people outside their lab. Another raised the difficulty of gathering research materials, which resulted in having to compromise with research papers that did not meet the standard. Another said it has been difficult to create prototypes necessary for his or her research, and such difficulty in making progress has resulted in a decline of motivation. One respondent has been seeing a counselor to consult about his or her mental health.
Among the detailed description of the pandemic’s impact on writing their master’s theses, some comments by M2 students were related to physical restrictions: “It was difficult to do inspection work,” “I had to change how and when I gathered data,” “It became difficult to find examinees for my research so I had to change the direction of my thesis,” “It became difficult to visit a distant location for research,” “I couldn’t gather research materials as much as I wanted to,” “I had to conduct interviews online instead of in-person,” “I had to give up fieldwork.” Some said they took advantage of the changes brought by the pandemic and incorporated that into their theses: “I paid attention to the fact that our views have changed because of the pandemic,” “I focused on how online meeting tools change our embodiment.” Meanwhile, some noted the psychological impact: “I felt very isolated, and it was very challenging to keep my motivation,” “I was often feeling down,” “Due to the stress brought about by the pandemic, it was difficult to conduct research.”
Q15. (M2へ)新型コロナ感染拡大が進路にどの程度影響を及ぼしていますか?/ (To M2) How big is the impact of the pandemic on your future plans?
COVID-19の感染拡大の進路への影響については、回答者の半数近くはあまり影響がない(42.9%)とのことでしたが、「少し」(19%)、「とても」(9.5%)と影響があった方も2割以上いました 。
When asked about their future plans, 42.9% of M2 respondents said the pandemic had little impact, but 19% saw some impact and another 9.5% said they felt a major impact.
Q16:(M2へ)Q15で「影響がある」と答えた方は、具体的な内容を自由に述べてください。/ (To M2) Please elaborate your response regarding Q15.
Some comments were related to issues arising from how companies dealt with recruitment during the pandemic. One of the respondents said his or her interest in a company declined after it sought an in-person meeting during the first state of emergency in April and May 2020. Another respondent commented on the lack of in-person job events and seminars to attend, resulting in a decline in the number of companies with which they could interact. One person also said that he or she had to delay taking the Japanese Language Placement Test as it was cancelled in July, which made a difference to his/her language qualifications. Another person said it was difficult to obtain necessary documents to apply for the PhD program.
日常生活への影響について/On everyday life
要旨・Gist of the findings
- 「友人との交流」「趣味や社会的活動」「生活習慣」「心身の健康状態」への影響が高い傾向に。
- 特に留学生からは帰国できず、家族と会えないことのつらさが聞かれた。
- 逆に母国にいたため、日本への入国が叶わず時差の中でオンラインで授業を受けていたケースも。
- 社会人にとっては、仕事と学業が両方ともオンラインになり、やりくりをしやすくなった声もあれば、むしろ業務が増えたために研究がしづらくなった、という声もあった。
- A majority of respondents said that they had felt the pandemic’s impact on socializing with friends, personal interests and activities, daily habits, mental and/or physical well-being
- Foreign students expressed the hardship of not being able to return to their home countries.
- One student meanwhile could not enter Japan for months.
- Among students with a full-time job, some have been able to balance remote work and study, while others said that remote work has consumed time from his or her studies.
Q17: 新型コロナ感染拡大が日常生活にどの程度影響を及ぼしていますか?/How big is the impact of the pandemic on your daily life with regards to the issues below?
The pandemic has had an impact on the respondents’ lives in various ways, from socializing with friends, daily habits, personal interests and activities, mental and/or physical well-being, as well as communication with family members.
Q18: Q17の具体的な影響の内容をご自由に述べてください。/Please elaborate your response to Q17.
When asked for details about the pandemic’s impact on their daily lives, several noted that having to stay home and refrain from traveling and socializing had really affected them both physically and mentally. Comments like “I feel isolated” “I feel lonely” “I feel less inclined to do things” were heard. Exchange students said that not being able to leave Japan to visit their families was very difficult. Meanwhile, one student could not return to Japan for nine months because of government policy and had to take classes while enduring the time difference.
Another respondent began to live solo during the pandemic because it was difficult to secure a quiet environment at home, which resulted in extra costs. On the contrary, one respondent moved to live with his or her parents which increased communications with them.
Meanwhile, one comment read: “Because both my work and classes became remote, I have been able to do both.” But another respondent whose work and study also became remote said the amount of work increased and this has taken time away from his or her studies. One person reported a decline in income.
Some have seen positive changes. One respondent touched on how he or she became used to getting up early in the morning and working out daily, thus becoming healthier. Another commented that “I’m happy to be able to study at my own pace.” Another person noted that he or she had adapted to the changes: “All these categories changed but not all in a bad way. The way we interact and conduct our daily lives has adapted.”
Q19: コロナ禍への対応について、学環・学府に望むことがあれば自由に述べてください。/If there is any action you want the III/GSII to take regarding its response to the pandemic, please write it below.
When asked if they had any requests for the III/GSII regarding the response to the pandemic, several commented that they would like to see more in-person classes and events resume. One requested psychological support/services that are more conversation/consultation-based. A few people also asked for the III library to allow better access to the books by easing the appointment-based service. Meanwhile, one respondent expressed his views toward on-demand classes for lectures, while encouraging the use of hybrid classes for seminars. Another said he or she hoped the online classes will continue while providing support for students without stable internet connection.
- M1M2にとって、 2020年度の学府生活は、さまざまな場面において対面でのコミュニケーションの機会が奪われたことがもっともつらいことであったことが明確に現れた。
- オンライン授業は評価されているが、感染症対策を行った上での対面授業の再開やハイブリッド型授業の開催、また学内交流の機会を設けてほしいなど、対面で交流する機会が増えることへの要望もあった。
- For M1 and M2 students, the most difficult part about student life under the pandemic has been the reduction of opportunities to communicate in person with their peers
- While online classes are appreciated, some have requested increasing in-person communication opportunities, be it classes or social events
企画 : ニューズレター&ウェブ編集部 / Organized by the Newsletter & website editorial team
構成・グラフ:金佳榮(特任研究員)/ Editing & Diagrams: Kayoung Kim (Project researcher)
構成・記事:神谷説子(特任助教)/ Editing & Text: Setsuko Kamiya (Project assistant professor)
英語校正:デービッド・ビュースト(特別専門員)/ English copyediting: David Buist (Senior project specialist)