東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III / GSII


December 13, 2019

東京大学 制作展 2019iii Exhibition 2019

「東京大学制作展 2019 ああ言えば、こう言う。こう言えば、どう言う?」を本郷キャンパス工学部2号館にて、2019年11月14日(木)~11月18日(月)の期間で開催しました。




今年7月に開催した「東京大学制作展Extra」では、「自己」の能動的な行動をイメージして「enact one’s self」をテーマとしました。今回の展覧会では「他者」の存在を想定した「対話」をコンセプトに据えました。このコンセプトは各作品・展示空間全体を裏打ちするものとなり、実展示においても、制作者・来場者が、感想や意見のやり取りを積極的に行なう場面が多く見られました。



お問い合わせ: seisakuten2019pr[at]gmail.com

An exhibition titled the University of Tokyo iiiExhibition 2019 “If this then that, then what when that?” was held at Engineering Faculty Bldg. No. 2 on the Hongo Campus during 5 days from November 14 to 18, 2019. The exhibition is held twice a year in July and November as a part of the curriculum of the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies. In this media art focused exhibition, participating students handle everything from organizing, concept setting, and artwork creation. The exhibition was publicized in various information media, and a total of about 1,600 visitors were able to visit and enjoy it.

About the subject of “If this then that, then what when that?”
The exhibition was organized on the theme of “If this then that, then what when that?” as presented in the following concept statement:

“If this then that, then what when that?”
We see production as “dialogue with all others”.
Others here are people at times, and sometimes the work itself.
Continuing to interact with everything around us with a curiosity.
Continue to explore the next future through dialogue.
We hope this exhibition will be an opportunity for you to have a dialogue.

Following this concept, we interacted with many visitors and gained new insights, which we will make use of in our research life. Thank you for coming.

For further details about each work exhibited this time, please visit this website: http://iiiexhibition.com.

Text: Yuya Munekata (MA student, iii exhibition PR)
Contact: seisakuten2019pr[at]gmail.com