東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III / GSII


October 25, 2019

令和元年度 秋季 入学式 ・ ガイダンス2020 Autumn Entrance Ceremony and Guidance




続いて、入学式に出席した教員から一言ずつの自己紹介を経て、在校生代表挨拶では、Frederic Julien Nicolas Seraphineさんより、大学院生は自ら新しい知見を創造していく必要があるため苦労もあるが、そのための革新や議論、失敗について”Fear not!”と力強く後押しする言葉が贈られました。


On September 18th, the Entrance Ceremony and Guidance for students entering the GSII in the Autumn semester was held in Fukutake Hall Learning Theater. It was attended by 16 students entering the Master’s program and three entering the Ph.D. program.

The ceremony began with a speech by Dean Koshizuka welcoming the new students into the GSII’s advanced inter-disciplinary learning and research environment, which has received students from 80 universities and 100 countries since its founding in the year 2000.

Head of Department Maeda then explained the main features of the GSII – its interdisciplinarity, specialization and internationalism – and encouraged students to take advantage of the GSII’s open course selection policy, which allows students to enroll in courses taught in any of its six programs. Referring to his own experience of studying abroad in the U.S.A., Prof. Maeda also spoke about the benefits of studying outside one’s own home country despite the inevitable hardships.

Text: Ayako Shimura (Academic Affairs Division)
Photo: Iyo Mimura, Mayu Kikuchi (Academic Affairs Division)
Translation: David Buist (Project Senior Specialist)