July 4, 2019
授業紹介「 生物統計情報学基礎 II(臨床試験方法論 I)」Class Introduction ”Biostatistics & Bioinformatics Basic II (Methods of Clinical Trials I)“
生物統計情報学コースで修士1年生を対象にS1タームの木曜3,4限に開講している「生物統計情報学基礎 II(臨床試験方法論 I)」は、選択必修として、予備的知識があまり無い学生でも、臨床試験のデザインと解析に対する基本的考え方を身につけて、研究計画書であるプロトコール作成に必要な統計的事項に関する知識を学ぶことを目的としています。
This class is held at the seminar room in the hospital affiliated to the Faculty of Medicine every Thursday in the third and fourth period during S1 term for all first-year MA students in the biostatistics & bioinformatics course. The purpose of this class is to learn the basics of design and analysis for clinical trials, and statistical knowledge of writing study protocols.
Six instructors, who are engaged in clinical trials from inside and outside of the university, are in charge of this omnibus class. Professor Koide and associate professor Hirakawa introduce the role and mission of biostatisticians in clinical trials, study designs and safety. In this class, students also use SAS as practical training.
Professor Ui who is the director of clinical research governance at the hospital, explains “monitoring and auditing” because they are required for recent clinical trials. Two invited instructors are from PMDA (Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency), which reviews clinical trials. In addition, Professor Yamazaki, who is the director of the Future Research Support Center at the International University of Health and Welfare, talks about “Expectations for biostatisticians from academic research”.
Finally, students deliver their presentation regarding actual clinical trials, and discuss with each other. Students are expected to obtain basic knowledge of clinical trials through this class.
Text: Daisuke Koide (Project Professor)
Photo: Kuniyasu Sato (Technical Assistant)
Proofreading: David Buist (Project Senior Specialist)