東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III / GSII


May 30, 2019

平成31年度学際情報学府 入学式・ガイダンス.GSII Spring Entrance Ceremony & Entrance Guidance 2019


午前・午後の2部構成でガイダンスが実施され、午前中には学府での学びに欠かせないECCS(Educational Campuswide Computing System)の講習会や、本学府が所有する様々な施設を巡る「学環ツアー」が実施されました。





On April 2nd, entrance guidance was held in Fukutake Learning Theatre for the 89 new students entering the Master’s program and 23 students entering the Ph.D. program in April 2019.

In the morning session, the students were introduced to the Education Campuswide Computing System (ECCS) and taken on a tour of the various facilities owned by the GSII.

The afternoon session began with an address by Dean Tanaka, which included an exposition of the university’s slogan “Kokorozashi aru takuetsu” (“Discover Excellence”). The word kokorozashi implies the idea of being aspirational and resolute in the desire to achieve research goals while surmounting obstacles. It also points to the notion of finding common cause with those sharing similar aspirations and combining forces to achieve what cannot be attained alone.

This was followed by an address by Professor Maeda (Chair of Department), who spoke about the outstanding features of the GSII, including its tie-ups with 12 other research institutions of the university, its focus on “specialization”, “interdisciplinarity”, and “internationality”, and its 6 distinctive graduate programs. The session continued with explanations of the curriculum, an introduction to the university-wide program for World-leading Innovative Graduate Study for Creating Educational Research (WINGS-CER), and information on procedures relating to research.
Students were encouraged to maintain contact with their faculty advisors and seek advice whenever required, including on matters of health and relations with other students.

The session concluded with some warm words of introduction by individual faculty members and the provision of information on such important matters as required courses, ethics and student life.

Text: Kyomi Iwata (Academic Affairs Division)
Translation: David Buist (Project Senior Specialist)